Alpha’s Cursed Mate


*Some Years Later*


Rose’s POV


“Can things get any better?” I thought as I looked at my tattered self in the mirror.

I thought I would never have a mate. I thought the moon goddess did not give me one. I thought she wanted me to be alone. I thought she was just watching me. She watched my parents abandon me in front of the pack orphanage. She watched me grow up with my abusive foster parents. She watched me go to high school and get injected with some sex drive fluid. She watched my life get ruined. She watched it all.

I dabbed off the tears that were beginning to fall freely on my face. I sniffed in and coughed lightly to clear my throat. I opened the bottle of wine before me and poured a little into the glass. I took the glass and sipped a little of the wine. The black berry taste made my mouth sour. I looked around my little room. It lacked life even though there was one there.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

This brought me out of my little reverie. I looked at the door wishing I could talk and usher the person in but my lips were sealed.

Then thankfully the person took the intuition to push the door open. A head hung in and looked around. Eyes roaming around and I came in contact with a pair of hazel brown eyes that belonged to her.

“Are you in?” She asked. Obviously. I smiled bitterly at her. She smiled in return and walked in.

“How have you been?” She asked as she placed a basket that contained certain things down beside me.

“You’ve been drinking?” She asked when she got no reply from me.

“Rose.” She called out. I looked up at her but did not reply her.

“Don’t do this to yourself. Instead go out there and search for him.” She said.

“But I..” I croaked out and choked on the wine that was in my mouth.

“Drink up.” She said. I swallowed it and sighed.

“I don’t know anything about him and I just don’t know what to do..” I said and face palmed. I flinched as soon as I felt her warm hands on mine.

“Drinking and brooding is not what to do, you know that, right?” She asked.

“I know where he stays.” With that said I lighten up and looked at her expectantly.

“Yes, I know.” She said.

“Where? I will go and meet him. I will prepare my bags and also I will have my bath and I will also…”

“Rose.” She caught my rambling off.

“Trust me. You two will get back together.” She said.

“Ciara, I don’t know what to do. I feel lonely and…” I broke into a stream of tears. She pulled closer and hugged me. Sniffing in her perfume, I laid on her shoulders. She soon started patting me gently and whispering soothing words. I sighed and soon my eyes were taking turns to close. I tried staying awake but then no matter how I tried, her words kept putting me to sleep.

She was the elder sister I never had. Though she just came back from wheresoever she went. These past few days she stayed with me, consoled me, but I still felt lonely without him.

I closed my eyes and the event of the day came replaying like a vision…

~Flashback~NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

*Three days earlier*

This pack has been the best to me. From day one, they treated me like their own and I have even made lots of friends.

I found a job as a waitress in one of the clubs in the town. Well, my health status made me take on that job.

That burning sensation of a thing kept acting up and every time it does, I get horny.

Even playing with myself gives me no satisfaction.

It was evening already and my time for shift already ended.

I told the cab the stop and I got down after giving him his pay.

I walked through the pack ground then suddenly, my body stood rigid.

Oh no!

It is acting up again.

Please not now.

I fell on my knees as I struggled to move. I could not. I was stiff.

I inhaled and shuddered.

Then I heard footsteps…

“What are you doing here?” I heard a male voice ask. They seemed to be two.

They walked towards me and I looked in the eyes. Within the blink of an eye and wrapped my hands around and started forcing to touch me.

Then suddenly, I heard a growl so mighty. I screamed and yelped up in fear.

A voice was chanting some ridiculous words in my head that at that time I had refused to believe because I thought it was impossible. For me. Yes, it was. But then Moon goddess decided to joke with my fate.

Then I turned around and saw a wolf staring at me. I suddenly felt attracted to this wolf… Wait… He is my mate.



It can’t be.

What sort of joke is the moon goddess planning again?

Just as I was about talk, it already had the two heads of the pack patrols ripped off their necks. I screamed even more. It stopped and glared at me before running off.

“Hey… Don’t go… I can explain…” I yelled as tears streamed down my face.


I felt a presence walk up to me, I looked up and saw Ciara.

“Rose, why are you crying?” She asked as she crouched down before me.

“He left, h-he is my mate, he ran away.” I said amidst hiccups.

“Who is your mate?” Ciara asked.

“The wolf that just passed by now.” I answered as I looked back the path he left.

“Don’t kill him, please.” I begged her.

“There is no reason to kill him, it is just that it is complicated.” Ciara said.

“I gotta go find him.” Ciara said. She stood up and left.

~End Of Flashback~

I met him. My mate. It had never crossed my mind. I dared not even think about it.

He looked at me and left just like that. Just like that. Since then, I cried myself to sleep. Not like I sleep anyways.

“Rose.” Ciara’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. I raised up my head to look at her.

I pulled away from her and she stood up. She brought plates of food, I guess.

“I cooked all of these for you so you must eat them.” She said as she served me. I smiled softly.

“I don’t want to eat.” I said and pushed the plate away.

“You must.” She ordered and kind of had an undertone of her Luna’s voice. I flinched a little and slumped my shoulders.

I slowly brought my hands up and dropped the cup of wine in my hands. As I was about to take out of it, she held my hands and stopped me.

“Go take a bath and come eat.” She said with eyes wide open, glaring at me. I crinkled my face and stood up slowly. I staggered my way into the bathroom.

“Hey, be careful.” She said as she supported me.

“Don’t eat.” I yelled out. I coughed out a little since my voice was rough. Not like I care about the food anyways.

“Sure.” She yelled back.

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