Alpha Noah

Chapter 40


Stace and I arrived into the new realm around midday.

Thankfully, when I approached Noah with the news, he was skeptical, but not opposed to the idea of me going with Stace. He wants me to become comfortable with my home place, and if that means exploring with a man who I still struggle to trust, then so be it. I just hope this other realm isn’t a dark, dangerous place with things I can’t even begin to fathom.

Stace’s way of transporting us to this other realm, was slightly complicated. According to him, getting from here to there, is dependent on the amount of magic you possess. Those with a lot can travel freely, but those who don’t have any must rely on someone else.

That must have been how my parents did it.

Stace told me to close my eyes, hold his hand, and allow him to make the connection between realms. It was an uncomfortable process, but once we arrived, all the pain vanished.

The moment my eyes open, all my fears vanish.

We stand atop a balcony, the longest stretch of ocean expanding out in front of me. I’ve never been too accustomed with the sea, so seeing this has the breath rushing from my lungs. Salt lingers in the air, as I claps the balcony railing, peering down to have my entire mind reeling. In whatever building I’m in, is perched right on the edge of a massive cliff, which falls below to a coastline of rocks, white foam forming from each clash of the waves against the surface.

“This place is beautiful,” I breath, looking left and right along the coast line. Beautiful villas sit bravely along the edge, each with an ivory surface, the roofs different shades of green and blue. Yet as I turn around, I realise Stace’s estate is far more magnificent than the rest.

“Yes it is. This whole world is, for the most part,” Stace comments from beside me. “Territory Two is predominantly made up of ocean and coastline.”

Walking inside, I’m surprised at how little this place resembles Stace. When I look at him, I see a staunch leader, with dark tattoos, and an even darker sense of fashion. But this place is wonderfully light and open, with pearl coloured polished stone flooring that stretches out across a very breezy living area, furnished neatly and sparsely; just the right amount. I thought Noah had a beautiful home.

“Does each Territory have a King?” I question, motioning for Stace to keep the large glass doors open. The sea breeze that dances throughout the space is not something I’m used to. And in complete honesty, it feels like home.

Like it’s meant to be.

“No. The leaders differ depending on the politics,” Stace explains. “Take Territory One for example. Seven magical Nobles, all who lead equally.”

I think that over in my head. Things here are far more different than I imagined, but instead of being frightened, I’m curious. This place has unexplored land, magic and people. Yet I shun down my excitement. I can’t just give up on my old life yet.

“Strange, but I suppose it’s similar to Alpha’s leading their Packs,” I murmur, my eyes draw to a particular spectacular panoply of paintings on the wall.

Stace follows my gaze. “This is a little different. We are creatures of Demonic origin. Although most people are merely mortals, us, with our abilities, are special. Magic isn’t passed down through bloodlines, but created by the dormant Demonic gene in all of us. If it happens to mutate, we could be blessed, or cursed with powers.”

The paintings before he show a range of people, covering most of the wall. Each person looks somewhat different to the other, but each stand in a regal position, staring blankly ahead. One of them is Stace, the look on his face making me shiver.

“So your parents just got lucky to have their son get this magical ability?” I ask, tearing my gaze away from the artistry, concentrating on him.

“No. I worked very hard for position as King. My family were not well off before I got this position,” he comments, a storm brushing over his face before he blinks, and it disappears. He motions for me to keep moving through the villa, so I stop questioning him. Royalty here is worked for, not bred from family ties. How strange, and backward.

“So this is where I’m from? This beautiful place?”

He leads me up a sweeping set of tightly spiraling stairs, pausing only for me to look through an exterior window, admiring the way the suns beams glisten magically in the perfect butterscotch colour across the surface of the sea.

“It is. The moment you want to move here, just tell me. I have a home waiting for you,” he says warmly. My eye widen, whirling around.

“And Noah?”

“You don’t have to live your life with Noah. You don’t even have to be mated to him,” he tells me firmly, although I can sense the reluctance in his tone. He is trying not to suggest who I should choose, but clearly would favour me without either of them than with Cian. “But I would like you to move here, to be around people who bleed the same colour as you.”

“Maybe. I came here, honestly, in hopes I could find out what my powers truly are. And to see if I could really consider living here,” I tell him, looking out to all the other homes on the coast, that I could most definitely see myself occupying. Then, I could be near Stace for his mentoring, and around people who are just like me.

Stace leans his back against the window. “I’ve been thinking of ways to trigger your power. None of them are… comfortable.”

“Let me choose my mate first, before we go throwing me into this whole world,” I decide softly. If I choose Cian, then none of this would be possible. No doubt, he would never let me return again, or have any contact with Stace.

“Perfectly understandable.”

Stace continues his door, leading me onto the upper floor, stopping by the closest door to the stairs. I watch him open it, revealing an awfully contemporary room, everything the faintest hint of blush. I narrow my eyes, glancing at Stace, wondering who this belonged to before me. Thus far, I haven’t seen a single soul come through here.

“Here’s your room, for as long as you like,” Stace offers kindly, watching me as I step inside, enjoying the view that from here, will be all mine.

“Wow, this is stunning,” I say, as if Stace has been the one to build this place up from the ground. Looking at him, I can’t help but wonder an odd thought, that never crossed my mind until now. “Do you have a mate?”

He sighs. “No, not yet. But one can hope.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s complicated. I feel guilty giving one more affection than the other. I’m too scared to even kiss one of them,” I admit to him, surprised I don’t feel embarrassed confiding in his about this.

Stace smiles. “How else are you going to decide who feels the most right for you?”

I sigh. “That’s a good questions.”


I slept blissfully that night, with the balcony doors open, the sea breeze floating in.

And I wake just as peacefully, yawning as I open my eyes, the warm morning sunlight flooding the room. And instead of seeing the view like I assumed I was, I see Noah, sitting quietly beside me on the bed.

Flinching, I sit up, plastering the front of my sheer night dress to my chest. Noah was the last person I expected to see waking up in this paradise. Blinking away the haze in my eyes, I stare him down, and his warm smile.

“Good morning,” he murmurs.

“Noah… what are you doing here?” I question. Placing my palm over my forehead, I feel the dampness. I’m not mad he is here, just surprised, startled from waking up and having him right beside me.

In the morning light, I can’t help but admire him. His dark hair glistened, all mussed as if he has just woken up top. Even those green eyes of his I love so much are dancing with light, turning a brilliant light green colour I haven’t seen before.

“Stace invited me,” he says softly, brushing my hair back from my face gently. This soft romance he is displaying me is odd and out of place, yet something I don’t shy away from. I’ve done enough of that, and now it’s time to open up to making my decision.

I shiver at the feeling of his fingertips. “Of course he did.”

“I love you, Abella,” he admits, eyes so full of love and passion it’s overwhelming.

I’m not sure what came over me, but suddenly I notice the way his gaze flickers down to my lips, and I’m leaning forward, waiting for him to respond. He does immediately, my lips touching his gently at first, before he deepens the kiss. It feels right, I’m not going to deny that.

As he pulls away, I notice the strange fog that falls over my mind, even as he smiles warmly at me. Something doesn’t seem right…

I blink rapidly, but the haze never fades, until Noah disappears before me, and suddenly, I’m waking up again. And this time, everything is clearer, the weather dark and raining outside. And my room is empty. I was dreaming.

What does this mean?

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