Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


Alpha Kilian’s golden eyes flickered lazily as he listened to Fabian’s request. The air in the room was heavy with the scent of power and the tension of an unspoken challenge. Alpha Kilian’s brow raised, revealing a hint of amusement. “You don’t have to lay your eyes upon it,” he said, his voice carrying the weight of authority. “Feel free to take it with you. I’ll bestow upon you the money.”

Fabian, momentarily dazed, stared back at Alpha Kilian, his expression caught between excitement and uncertainty. “No, Alpha Morris,” he stammered, his voice barely audible. “I just want to take a look…”

“I’m serious. Take it,” Alpha Kilian uttered, his voice firm and unyielding.

Caught off guard by the seriousness in Alpha Kilian’s gaze, Fabian let out a nervous laugh. “Alpha Morris, don’t jest with me like this. It’s making me uneasy. I didn’t do anything to deserve such a reward, so how can I accept the money?”

Alpha Kilian’s golden eyes bore into his, unyielding. “Do you want it or not?” he demanded, the force of his words leaving no room for negotiation.

Fabian hesitated, his gaze flickering towards the box. “Should I take the money?” he mused, his voice filled with uncertainty.

“Take the box and leave,” Alpha Kilian instructed, his tone brooking no further argument.

In that moment, Fabian knew he had no choice but to obey Alpha Morris’s wishes. A knowing smile formed on his lips. “Very well, Alpha Morris. I shall accept your gift,” he said, his voice filled with a mixture of surrender and allegiance. With that, he picked up the box and turned to leave.

But as he lifted the box, a realization washed over Fabian. It was empty. Confused, he looked at Alpha Kilian, searching for answers. “Alpha Morris, this…”

Alpha Kilian suppressed a laugh, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Feigning ignorance, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

Fabian didn’t know whether to speak the truth. Hesitant, he opened the box, revealing its empty contents. “Alpha Morris, I believe your ex-wife has deceived you,” he said, his voice tinged with disbelief.

But Alpha Kilian remained unperturbed, his expression unchanged. “Why should I be mad?” he questioned, his tone enigmatic.

Fabian’s embarrassment grew, realizing he had been played. “Alpha Morris, you’ve made a fool of me once again,” he grumbled pitifully, the shattered dreams of riches lingering in his voice.

Unfazed, Alpha Kilian simply regarded him with a knowing smile. He had achieved his purpose, whatever it may be.

Outside the building, Nelly had just arrived at her car when Lara approached. A flicker of unease crossed Lara’s face as she glanced at the car that had recently made headlines. Nelly greeted her with a grin, but the tension between them was palpable.

“Why are you here?” Lara asked, her smile strained.

Nelly replied honestly, “I’m returning the car.”

Lara frowned, her displeasure evident. “Did Alpha Kilian really give you this car as a gift?”

“Theoretically, yes,” Nelly answered cryptically, her words leaving room for interpretation.

Lara’s smile almost wavered, but she composed herself. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave,” Nelly added, hinting at the growing distance between them.

But Lara stopped her before she could go. “Wait. Let’s exchange contact information. We can use WhatsApp to discuss work-related matters,” she suggested, her polite smile hiding her true intentions.

Nelly couldn’t find a reason to refuse, so she reluctantly agreed. They exchanged contact details, their relationship now veering into the professional realm.

“Let’s stay in touch,” Lara said, her voice laced with hidden meanings.

Nelly nodded, understanding the unspoken implications. “I’ll be on my way then,” she said, slipping into her car and driving off.

As Lara watched Nelly’s departure, a pang of hurt twisted within her chest. The truth she had witnessed with her own eyes was like a dagger to her heart, reminding her of her own unrequited affections.

With a heavy heart, she turned and entered the company building.

Knocking on Alpha Kilian’s office door, Lara entered to find him inside. “Alpha Kilian,” she addressed him, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

Alpha Kilian looked up, his gaze filled with curiosity. “Why aren’t you at the hospital? Why have you come here?” he questioned, his tone laced with concern.

She placed a document on his desk, a small gesture that spoke volumes. “You left this behind at the hospital. I thought it best to bring it to you,” she explained, her voice steady despite the roiling emotions within her.

Alpha Kilian glanced at the document, the weight of his gratitude evident in his gaze. “You could have called and I would have sent someone to retrieve it,” he offered, his voice filled with appreciation.

Lara shook her head, her eyes filled with earnestness. “I didn’t feel right leaving such an important document in someone else’s hands. I wanted to personally ensure its safe return,” she admitted, her voice laced with sincerity.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

A smile played on Alpha Kilian’s lips, his eyes softening with affection. “When is the surgery scheduled?” he inquired, his concern evident.

“Tomorrow afternoon,” she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

He nodded, his gaze unwavering. “Let me know if you need anything,” he said, his voice filled with unwavering support.

She nodded, her gaze locked with his. And then, her tone changed, becoming solemn and filled with purpose. “Alpha Kilian, there’s something I need to tell you after my dad’s surgery. Something important. You must be there when I reveal it,” she said, her voice carrying a weight of anticipation.

Alpha Kilian considered her words, his gaze unwavering. After a few moments, he nodded. “Alright. I’ll be there,” he promised, his voice filled with determination.

Lara forced a smile, though her heart ached. “That’s a promise then. I’ll be waiting,” she said, her voice filled with both hope and resignation.

Alpha Kilian nodded, a flicker of understanding passing between them. And in that moment, they both knew that something irrevocably powerful was about to unfold.

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