Alpha King of Fire

Chapter 7


My body was shaking as I walked in the huge porcelain golden hallway of the Elemental Kingdom. Every step was drumming my chest, it was loud and reckless. I felt like my heart was going out of my body.

When they were bathing me, I was hiding my wrist. I put bandages on it and said that I had a wound. If they saw the symbol I was in big trouble, my family would suffer to death.

I was biting my lips, my tears were condensing in my eyes as the guards opened the huge tribal door of King Wind’s door. It was blue in color, there was also a symbol of wind.

When I got inside the room, I stared at the man facing the table, sitting while looking at the scroll.

“Good evening, King Wind.” I bowed my head in respect for him. I was seeing the ground and never looked up when he never told me. The fear was crawling all over my body.

What if he takes my body tonight? I can’t allow him because I don’t want that to happen. Will he sentence me to death?

“Good evening.” His voice was excited. When I looked up, I saw a big smile on his face, a welcoming atmosphere in his expression. Although his emotion was friendly, I could not say any words because who knows what he could do if I did something wrong? I did not know him well.

“Come here, Fira.” His tone was never commanding, he was like calling a friend or what.

When I did not move, his smile became wider. As I looked at him, there was no spark of lust or plan or darkness, but of course, the horror was on me. I could not read his mind, except the approachable personality of an Alpha King. Cass was right, he was easy to please, but why would he call me? Except he wanted me on his bed. I could not take what he was requesting-

“Fira, Chill! I just ordered them to bathe you so that they will think of you warming my bed tonight.” A loud sound of his laugh echoed in the area. “But the truth is…” He raised the papers on his table. “Tada!”

I stopped my eyebrow from raising up. This King was different, he was funny and cute. I was caught myself walking towards him because he was easy to accompany, unlike Pyro, I could not understand what he was thinking. He was so cold and expressionless.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I heard that even if you are Omega, you are good at reading, writing-studying. You can help me review these papers that cause pain in my head.” He grabbed a chair and tapped it, gesturing me to sit down. “We have an examination tomorrow. I badly need your help.” He smiled at me so wide. I blinked as I saw the twinkle of his white teeth because his face was stretching too much the way he grinned ear by ear. “Can you help me?”

“Yes, King Wind.” I gently sat beside him. I was still shy. How could I talk with the Alphas last time just like an ordinary person? It made me want to swallow by the ground.

“Don’t call me King Wind when we are alone. Ugh. Cringe.” He shook his body as if that was the gross feeling that he could hear. “Zephyrus. That’s my name.”

“Yes, Kin-Zephyrus. Your wish is my command.” I started to read what was on the scroll.

At first, he was wrinkling his forehead and he could not understand what I was teaching him. I found him cute, the cutest among all of the Alphas, especially when he could not get the letters. He just smiled and moved his head left and right. He was a charming kind of King.

He scratched his head, and pouted his lips. “Sorry, Fira. I can’t really get it. Can you repeat?” He was blushing his face. I thought it was because of the embarrassment.

After a long long repeated session of teaching him, finally, he learned something from me and I was proud of that. By the knowledge of the King Wind, trusting me in this matter was something to treasure. That means, he was seeing me as a good person and trustworthy.

“Gotcha! I told you that!” He was shouting in happiness when he said it was a wind. Of course he would know that because he was Alpha King of Wind. “The wind is a natural movement of air, the current blowing from a specific direction!” He danced on his chair as if he got a perfect answer in every question that I asked when in fact, he was not right in so many aspects of the lesson. This one was his first correct answer.

“Am I right? Huh!” He stood up and turned around, dancing like a worm. “Tired!” He jumped on his bed and curled his body. “I hate studying, but Raiden will kick me when I get zero on the examination tomorrow. He is a so-called genius and he expected all of his brothers to be like him!” He sat on the bed and looked at me. I felt his stare was not belittling my status. The way he talked and gazed at me was just like a close friend, a high school classmate, or a neighbor or what. That made me amaze with his personality.

“Where is the justice in that!” He let his back fall again on the bed and shook his feet as if he was a kid, tantruming because his lollipop was stolen by his fellow player. “I hate the lessons! I hate learning, but…” A smile formed on his lips. “There is only one lesson I love to learn about.” He sat again and stared at me with a full smile on his lips. “Ask me what that is?”

I was startled, but I did not want him to notice that. One second he was shouting with his disapproval of learning, another one second again, he was crazy smiling as if he remembered something funny and wanted to share it with me. “What is that?” I asked, not forgetting my respect.

“Human anatomy!” He fell on his back again on the soft bed and burst out laughing. He was stomping his feet in the air while holding his belly. It was so loud, the reason why I covered my mouth. His laugh was radiating on me. He was one crazy person. “When that was the lesson, they were shocked when I got perfect! Female and male organs! I really love human anatomy!” The sound of his laugh was echoing in the whole huge room.

He gazed at me as he was still chuckling. “You can laugh.” The sound of our happiness lasted. I was not noticing our distance, he was a king, I was an Omega. I was truly glad to meet him.

We both panting, tired of laughing when there was a loud hit on the door, wanted to break it to open. “Zephyrus.” He was not shouting, but I knew that there was tension in his voice.

Zephyrus sat on the bed and stared at the door. Then, looked at me and shrugged. “What is wrong with Pyro?” He stood up and slowly walked towards it.

Before he opened the door, he gazed back at me again. “Understand him, Fira. Maybe he didn’t drink his medicine for tantrums.” He covered his lips and we both chuckled.

When the door opened, Pyro’s blank emotionless eyes met mine. “Move out.” His voice was not raising, but the authority was there.

I stood up and was about to step forward when he talked again. “Guards, bring this Omega to my room.”

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