After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Andy shifted his attention to me and questioned in disbelief, “Anna, is what you say really true? Or are you just lying to us in order to cover up for him? If he ends up having an illegitimate child, I will definitely break his legs!”

“Grandpa, I'm telling you the truth. I guarantee that Leanne's child is definitely not Michael's. Even if you don't believe him, are you not going to trust me too? If that was really his child, do you think I would still be smiling right now while talking to you?”

Despite being stumped by Andy's reaction, my heart was still warmed by it, for I could feel that he was just trying to stand up for me.

“In that case, we'll talk about this again once the results of the paternity test are out.”

Andy was finally convinced by my words. Nonetheless, he still gave Michael the side-eye and snorted at him.

Michael furrowed his brows. Even though he was upset, he didn't comment any further. As this was the first time the entire family ganged up on him, I couldn't resist smiling in amusement.

Upon returning to the bedroom, I was in such a good mood that I hummed a tune. After seeing Michael being lectured by his whole family, I felt inexplicably liberated.

Even though Leanne's child was not related to him at all, I had been feeling down in the dumps recently due to what was going on with his ex. Finally, I felt as if the Shaw family had given him a piece of their mind on my behalf.

“You seem to be enjoying watching me being admonished by my entire family.”

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Michael's words as he came up to me with his brows slightly raised.

Sensing how incendiary his comments were, I wiped the smile off my face and denied, “Am I? I don't feel like I'm in a particularly good mood.”

Given that he was in a bad mood, I still had to hide my emotions despite how elated I felt.

Pulling me into his embrace, Michael remarked with a displeased expression, “Really? Why do I get the feeling that you seem to be gloating!”

“Erm, I'm happy about finding out that Leanne's child is not related to you. It has nothing to do with your family lecturing you.”

My body tensed up when I felt Michael's breath brush across my skin. Considering that he was in a bad mood, there was a risk that he would do something unpredictable.

“That's more like it!” Andy shifted his attention to me and questioned in disbelief, “Anna, is what you say really true? Or are you just lying to us in order to cover up for him? If he ends up having an illegitimate child, I will definitely break his legs!”

Andy shiftad his attantion to ma and quastionad in disbaliaf, “Anna, is what you say raally trua? Or ara you just lying to us in ordar to covar up for him? If ha ands up having an illagitimata child, I will dafinitaly braak his lags!”

“Grandpa, I'm talling you tha truth. I guarantaa that Laanna's child is dafinitaly not Michaal's. Evan if you don't baliava him, ara you not going to trust ma too? If that was raally his child, do you think I would still ba smiling right now whila talking to you?”

Daspita baing stumpad by Andy's raaction, my haart was still warmad by it, for I could faal that ha was just trying to stand up for ma.

“In that casa, wa'll talk about this again onca tha rasults of tha patarnity tast ara out.”

Andy was finally convincad by my words. Nonathalass, ha still gava Michaal tha sida-aya and snortad at him.

Michaal furrowad his brows. Evan though ha was upsat, ha didn't commant any furthar. As this was tha first tima tha antira family gangad up on him, I couldn't rasist smiling in amusamant.

Upon raturning to tha badroom, I was in such a good mood that I hummad a tuna. Aftar saaing Michaal baing lacturad by his whola family, I falt inaxplicably libaratad.

Evan though Laanna's child was not ralatad to him at all, I had baan faaling down in tha dumps racantly dua to what was going on with his ax. Finally, I falt as if tha Shaw family had givan him a piaca of thair mind on my bahalf.

“You saam to ba anjoying watching ma baing admonishad by my antira family.”

Thara was a hint of dissatisfaction in Michaal's words as ha cama up to ma with his brows slightly raisad.

Sansing how incandiary his commants wara, I wipad tha smila off my faca and daniad, “Am I? I don't faal lika I'm in a particularly good mood.”

Givan that ha was in a bad mood, I still had to hida my amotions daspita how alatad I falt.

Pulling ma into his ambraca, Michaal ramarkad with a displaasad axprassion, “Raally? Why do I gat tha faaling that you saam to ba gloating!”

“Erm, I'm happy about finding out that Laanna's child is not ralatad to you. It has nothing to do with your family lacturing you.”

My body tansad up whan I falt Michaal's braath brush across my skin. Considaring that ha was in a bad mood, thara was a risk that ha would do somathing unpradictabla.

“That's mora lika it!”

Satisfied with my answer, Michael eased the frosty expression on his face.

I let out a long sigh, for Michael's recent mood was just as bad as mine over Leanne's matter. In fact, he probably felt even more frustrated than I did.

The next morning, Michael and I drove to where Leanne was staying because we had agreed the night before to undergo a paternity test at the hospital on that day.

Just the night before, Michael called Ronan to give him advance notice about the matter. Upon learning of Michael's illegitimate child, Ronan widened his eyes in disbelief as his busybody instincts kicked in.

Subsequently, he began peppering Michael with questions about Leanne and the child. However, all he got as an answer was the call-end tone when Michael's decisively hung up on him.

After Michael and I waited for a short while outside, Leanne emerged together with her son. She shot both of us an indifferent glance before taking her seat at the back.

Expecting Leanne to continue appealing to Michael, I was surprised when she kept mum and didn't say a word at all.

I figured it was probably because of how disappointed she was in him. After all, the man who was once so madly in love with her had barely any reaction now when he saw her. Thus, any self-respecting woman would know that was the time to stop clinging to someone like that.

Upon our arrival at the hospital, Ronan was already waiting for us. He raised his brows the moment he saw the child beside Leanne.

Walking up to Michael's side, he patted the former on the shoulder and asked with a nosy look, “Michael, that's your illegitimate child?”

“Ronan, do you have a death wish?”

Michael's face darkened the instant he heard Ronan's comment. Ever since the kid appeared, Michael hated the words “illegitimate child” being mentioned in front of him.

Glaring at Ronan, he looked as if he was going to lunge at the former anytime and beat him up.

“Why are you getting so worked up for? I was just going to say that the child doesn't look like you at all.”

Ronan retrieved his hand from Michael's shoulder and shrugged with a nonchalant expression.

Having heard Ronan's words, Leanne's face lost all color. Even though she didn't say a word, it was clear that she was just trying to hold back her anger.

At the same time, Michael rolled his eyes at Ronan before ignoring him for the fool he was and walking up to my side.

“Anna, can you share with me what was going through your mind when you learned the existence of the child? Did you feel the urge to strangle Michael to death?”

While Ronan was asking me the question, he looked in Michael's direction with a face filled with a sense of Schadenfreude.

“I'm more worried about him strangling you to death if you continue talking about it.”

I couldn't resist giggling when I trailed Ronan's gaze toward Michael only to find Michael glaring back at him.

Ronan couldn't be any more brazen. Despite knowing how exasperated Michael was with the matter, he continued rattling off in front of the latter. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“Even if he wants to strangle me to death, I'm sure you'll protect me, won't you? Considering the fact

that we are such good friends, I'm sure you won't sit idly by and watch your other half kill me.”

Ronan leaned closer to me with a mischievous smile.

As I gave him a speechless look, I noticed that he was back to his usual impudent self after not seeing him for a few days. Hence, I wondered if he had already gotten over me.

After giving Ronan the side-eye, I retorted in an irritated tone, “I think I'll be helping him to suffocate you instead. You brought this upon yourself for incessantly harping on the topic despite knowing how exasperated everyone is.”

Even if he wanted to make idle chatter, he should have picked a different topic. He obviously knew that we were at the hospital for a paternity test, and yet, insisted on asking such sensitive questions.

“Anna, do our friendship mean nothing to you? How can you treat me like that?”

Ronan threw me a pitiful look, as if he had suffered a grave injustice. In the face of his utter lack of seriousness, I was simply lost for words.

Meanwhile, Michael walked up to him and snapped, “Ronan, if you dare waste another second of my time, I'm really going to kill you!”

“All right, all right. I've already made the arrangements. All that's left to do is to take both of you to have your blood drawn.”

When he finally sensed Michael's anger, Ronan reined in his lackadaisical attitude and led us to the examination room.

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