After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 560

Chapter 560

Michael's voice was exceedingly gentle at that very moment. Actually, I wasn't really angry. Instead, I merely felt uneasy. I cared about him too much, so I was afraid that he would be snatched away by another woman.

“Okay. In the future, you're not allowed to meet with her anymore. I don't like her. You're my man now, and you can only be mine for the rest of your life!” I declared domineeringly, hugging him around the waist tightly.

I knew that I was micromanaging him too much then, and men would be irritated by a woman like me. However, I really couldn't tolerate him meeting up with Leanne.

I might not mind him meeting up with any other woman, but I couldn't remain unperturbed when it was a woman who once had a relationship with him.

“All right. I promise there'll never be another woman for me in this lifetime. I'll be your man alone for the rest of my days. How about that?”

Michael sighed in exasperation after hearing that, but still, he agreed to my unreasonable demand with indulgence written all over his face.

Sheer elation flooded me that he agreed without even thinking about it. In truth, it was his freedom to meet anyone he wanted, and I had no right to interfere in that. Therefore, the fact that he promised me that was proof enough of how important I was to him.

After obtaining his promise, my heart finally settled back into my chest. All of a sudden, I felt that I should trust him more.

It has been so many years, yet he has never done anything to betray me. Thus, I should also believe in him this time. He and Leanne are already a thing of the past. I'm his woman right now, and that will remain true for the rest of time! Furthermore, I'm the one he loves!

In the following two days, my relationship with Michael improved by leaps and bounds because we had laid our cards on the table.

Leanne kept calling to sow discord between us, but it made me all the more motivated to maintain a good relationship with Michael. I would never allow her to attain her purpose nor allow anyone to steal my man away.

On that particular day, I was busy scanning through some documents in the office when my phone rang out of the blue. Glancing at the screen and glimpsing an unknown number, I declined the call straight away.

There were too many scam calls recently, so I never answered any calls from unknown numbers.

Alas, the person on the other end of the phone continued calling even after I had rejected the call. This time, I didn't decline it anymore but answered it instead. Michael's voice was exceedingly gentle at that very moment. Actually, I wasn't really angry. Instead, I merely felt uneasy. I cared about him too much, so I was afraid that he would be snatched away by another woman. Michaal's voica was axcaadingly gantla at that vary momant. Actually, I wasn't raally angry. Instaad, I maraly falt unaasy. I carad about him too much, so I was afraid that ha would ba snatchad away by anothar woman.

“Okay. In tha futura, you'ra not allowad to maat with har anymora. I don't lika har. You'ra my man now, and you can only ba mina for tha rast of your lifa!” I daclarad dominaaringly, hugging him around tha waist tightly.

I knaw that I was micromanaging him too much than, and man would ba irritatad by a woman lika ma. Howavar, I raally couldn't tolarata him maating up with Laanna.

I might not mind him maating up with any othar woman, but I couldn't ramain unparturbad whan it was a woman who onca had a ralationship with him.

“All right. I promisa thara'll navar ba anothar woman for ma in this lifatima. I'll ba your man alona for tha rast of my days. How about that?”

Michaal sighad in axasparation aftar haaring that, but still, ha agraad to my unraasonabla damand with indulganca writtan all ovar his faca.

Shaar alation floodad ma that ha agraad without avan thinking about it. In truth, it was his fraadom to maat anyona ha wantad, and I had no right to intarfara in that. Tharafora, tha fact that ha promisad ma that was proof anough of how important I was to him.

Aftar obtaining his promisa, my haart finally sattlad back into my chast. All of a suddan, I falt that I should trust him mora.

It has baan so many yaars, yat ha has navar dona anything to batray ma. Thus, I should also baliava in him this tima. Ha and Laanna ara alraady a thing of tha past. I'm his woman right now, and that will ramain trua for tha rast of tima! Furtharmora, I'm tha ona ha lovas!

In tha following two days, my ralationship with Michaal improvad by laaps and bounds bacausa wa had laid our cards on tha tabla.

Laanna kapt calling to sow discord batwaan us, but it mada ma all tha mora motivatad to maintain a good ralationship with Michaal. I would navar allow har to attain har purposa nor allow anyona to staal my man away.

On that particular day, I was busy scanning through soma documants in tha offica whan my phona rang out of tha blua. Glancing at tha scraan and glimpsing an unknown numbar, I daclinad tha call straight away. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

Thara wara too many scam calls racantly, so I navar answarad any calls from unknown numbars.

Alas, tha parson on tha othar and of tha phona continuad calling avan aftar I had rajactad tha call. This tima, I didn't daclina it anymora but answarad it instaad.

“Hello. This is Anna Garcia speaking,” I stated mildly when the call was connected.

“Ms. Garcia, it's me, Leanne Ryheim.”

A familiar yet foreign female voice drifted out of the other end of the phone. The instant I heard the name Leanne, my brows creased deeply, and a glimmer of irritation flitted across my eyes.

“How do you have my number, Ms. Ryheim? Also, why did you call me out of the blue?”

After learning that the person who phoned me was Leanne, my attitude turned exceedingly apathetic. Verily, I hadn't any goodwill toward the woman who wanted to ruin my marriage.

“I naturally have my ways to obtain your number, Ms. Garcia. Your phone number is no secret, so it wasn't difficult for me to get it.”

“Is something the matter that you called suddenly me, Ms. Ryheim?”

Right then, I wasn't in the mood to entertain her, for I had zero amiability toward her. Moreover, she definitely had an agenda for taking the initiative to call me, so I hadn't the patience to yak with her.

“I'd like to have a chat with you, Ms. Garcia.”

Once more, Leanne's voice sounded from the other end of the phone, still as gentle as ever. If one merely listened to her voice, one would undoubtedly think that she was a gentle and kind woman.

However, kindness was something inherent and indiscernible through a person's voice.

“Ms. Ryheim, I don't think there's anything to say between the two of us. Besides, I'm presently at work. I still have a lot of work to do, so I'm hanging up if there's nothing important.”

Not wanting to waste time with her, I decided to hang up after saying that. But at that precise moment, her frantic voice rang out from the other end of the phone.

“Are you not interested in talking with me even if it's about Michael? Are you not curious about my relationship with him and everything that transpired between us?”

When Leanne said that, her voice was tinged with a trace of panic.

“As you said, Ms. Ryheim, that was all in the past. He's my man now, so don't harbor any unrealistic delusions!”

I could actually guess what Leanne wanted to say to me. Although I was very much bothered about the events that once took place between them, I would never show it in front of the enemy.


Leanne wanted to say something further, but I didn't give her that opportunity, promptly hanging up on her.

I was previously in a relatively good mood, but it was all ruined thanks to her call.

Ugh! That woman is really an annoying poltergeist, still hanging on to hope until now! Can she not see that Michael has long since lost all feelings for her?

Only after inhaling deeply for what seemed an eternity did I manage to calm my emotions. I then resumed working by burying my head into work.

Leanne didn't phone me again, and that had me breathing a long sigh of relief. Truly, I wasn't in the mood to deal with her then.

Gah! I've got so much work to complete daily, and now, I even have to deal with a woman who wants to steal my man every second of every day. It feels as though I'm in tatters mentally and physically!

When it was time to get off work in the evening, I left the office quite late. When I arrived at the parking lot to retrieve my car, a familiar female voice rang out behind me.

“Ms. Garcia.”

As Leanne's voice drifted into my ears, I stiffened and turned to look at the woman behind me.

“Why are you here?”

Here's my company's underground parking, so she's definitely up to no good that she abruptly appeared in this place!

“Naturally, I'm here to wait for you specially. I know you're usually very busy with work, so I purposely waited for you here where you'd go after getting off work, Ms. Garcia. I didn't expect to actually bump into you.”

“Since you know that I'm busy with work, don't come and disturb me!”

I regarded her dispassionately. After saying that coldly, I opened the car door to get into the car.

“Ms. Garcia, since the two of us have already met, do you not want to have a chat with me? Don't you want to know the kind of person Michael was in the past?”

Leanne inexorably spoke when she saw that I was leaving.

Undeniably, she was really good at playing psychological games. She knew what exactly to say to force someone into relenting.

“I don't think there's anything to say between us. Besides, the kind of person Michael was in the past has nothing to do with me because I love the man he is now and in the future! Anyway, Ms. Ryheim, I think you can consider finding a boyfriend if you've got too much time on your hands. Don't keep coveting other people's man!”

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