Added into Daddy’s Life

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


(I apologize in advance if the Italian spelling in the restaurant section of the story is wrong....I used

Google translate lol)

Mya's P.O.V.

By the time daddy and I were finished, Louis was waiting for us. His jaw dropped when he saw me.

"Wow Mya look stunning." I smiled, "thank you Louis."

I climbed into the car and I felt my palms get sweaty. I sighed, I'm so nervous... I mean this is

technically a date. I've never been on a date before and I just don't know what to expect.

"Babe why are you worrying so much? You look great." Jamie spoke softly so daddy wouldn't hear. I

sighed closing my eyes, "I'm so nervous Jamie. I mean what if I mess up my dress or say something I

shouldn't? Daddy would hate me..." He shook his head and wrapped his arm around me. "Everything is

gonna be fine hun. So what if you mess up your'll still look beautiful. Your daddy would

never hate you, ok? You and I both know that." I hesitated, I guess he's right. Daddy wouldn't hate

me....would he?

"Mya princess.." I jumped hearing daddy's voice. I looked over at him but he was already out of the car.

"Come on babe, we're here."

I stepped out of the car and stumbled a bit because of my heels. I don't get how people walked in

theses. I would have been perfectly fine in sneakers.

I linked my arm in daddy's arm, just like I've seen the ladies do it in the movies. He guided me into the

restaurant and walked up the the man with the large mustache.

"Ciao michael! Chi è questa bella signora?" (Hello Michael! Who is this lovely lady?)

Daddy smiled and hugged the tiny man. "Ciao Lorenzo! Questo è mio, la mia ragazza.." (Hi Lorenzo!

This is Mya, my girlfriend).

My eyes widened. Daddy can speak Italian?!?!

The man led us to a table in the center of the restaurant. This table was bigger than all the rest. This

table had heart shaped seats and rose pedals beautifully spread all over the table.

I was honestly shocked. This place was so amazing. It was dimly lit but the chandeliers that hung from

the ceiling added class and elegance.

A new waiter came over and smiled politely. "Good evening, should I start this beautiful couple out with

some wine." I felt a little more comfortable knowing that she spoke English.

I thought for a moment....isn't wine alcohol?? No no no that's so bad for you...

Daddy looked at me in confusion but spoke not taking his eyes off me. "Sure, but just one glass...she

doesn't drink. I'll have a half a glass of Montoya Cabernet and my queen here, will have...." He raised

an eyebrow expecting me to answer. I cleared my throat, "um can I have apple juice please?"

The woman smiled..."aww how cute! Of course you can sweetheart. I'll be right back." She quickly

walked away leaving daddy and I alone.

"So what do you think?" Daddy asked leaning towards me so I could hear him better. I smiled speaking

truthfully, "I really like it daddy. And look at this's beautiful. Thank you so much for today. This

is honestly the best day ever."

He smiled as his cheeks reddened, "You deserve it princess."

The woman came back with our drinks and daddy thanked her. She took out a pen and notepad, "what

would you guys like to eat tonight?" Daddy looked over at me, "You wanna order?" I quickly shook my

head. I hate being put in the spotlight. Every time I speak with a person I don't know I stutter. It's so

embarrassing but I can't even control it.

Daddy nodded and cleared his throat. "I'll have the beef ravioli with a side of the noodle soup. My girl

friend will have the chicken alfredo with a small order of the mini toast." Daddy looked at me making

sure that was ok. I nodded and smiled, that honestly did sound delicious.

The woman collected the menus, which we did not look at, and spoke. "I'll have that our right away."

She quickly walked away almost as if she was intimidated by something.

There was a long silence between daddy and I. It made me a little uncomfortable so I asked the first

thing that came to mind.

"Daddy, where did you learn to speak Italian?"

He thought for a moment and a very faint smile formed on his lips. "When I was growing up my parents

took my brother and I to Italy to visit my grandparents but we ended up staying the whole summer. My

grandparents were Italian and they didn't speak any English so my parents enrolled my brother and I in

Italian language classes. The classes were three times a week and each class was two hours. We had

to take exams all the time but I didn't mind much because I actually enjoyed learning it, so it all came

easy to me."

I nodded that seems fun. It would be cool to learn a language in the actual place where they speak it.

"Daddy..." I said as more things popped into my mind. "I didn't know you have a brother." He nodded as

his eyes lit up. "Yep!! He's two years older than me. We're actually pretty close." I smiled, I wish I had


Daddy looked me in the eyes and spoke cautiously. "What was your dad like?" I froze...I wasn't

expecting that. I guess daddy read my face because he sat up straighter in his chair. "You don't have to

tell me if you don't want to." I thought for a moment...should I talk about it?....I mean I do trust daddy a


I shook the doubt from my head and spoke. "My dad....he was the best. He made sure I was always

happy and there wasn't a day that went by where he didn't make me laugh. He told me funny stories at

bedtime and he would always make my favorite meals for dinner. He even did my homework when I got

to frustrated to look at the paper. He was just....amazing. I just wish I got a chance to say goodbye..." I

blinked back tears that desperately wanted to fall. I didn't want to cry...not tonight. This was a night for

me and daddy...and I didn't want to turn everything into a pity party.

Daddy sat there watching me. It looked like he was deep in thought but he didn't say a word. The

waitress came over and placed the food in front of us. "Here you go...beef ravioli with a side of noodle

soup and chicken alfredo with mini toast for the lady...enjoy."

I scanned over the food as my tummy growled. Everything looked amazing. I grabbed my fork and

stuck it into the creamy chicken.

"No no no princess.." daddy said halting my actions. "We need to say grace.."

I looked at him a little confused... grace? I haven't said graced or even prayed since dad died. Daddy

reached his hands across the table and held it out towards me. "Come on baby."

I slowly placed my hand in his and sighed. He closed his eyes and I followed suit. " Dear Lord, thank

you for today. Thank you for letting my princess enjoy herself today. Thank you for bringing her into my

life and making me the happiest man alive. Tonight Lord, we thank you for the food help it to nourish

our bodies and keep us strong in Jesus name, amen."


We began to eat in silence. The food was so good. The chicken was so tender and creamy and the

noodles had sprinkled cheese on top. I just loved it. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I took the first


"Oh my gosh daddy...this is sooo good." Daddy look up at me and let out a heavy laugh.

"Is that so?" I nodded shoveling another forkful into my mouth. He laughed again but this time it was

much harder and his face began to turn red. "Baby it's all over your face." He grabbed a napkin from

the holder and gently cleaned my face. I smiled gratefully.....I really love my daddy..

* * *

We finally reached home at about 11:30 p.m. but I wasn't tired. I looked for Aladdin but he was sleeping

peacefully in his bed and I didn't want to bother him.

Daddy took off his shoes and plopped down on the couch. "Did you enjoy today baby?" I nodded

happily thinking of the fun things we did today. "Yes daddy it was so fun. I really had a good time."

I walked over to where daddy was sitting and climbed into his lap. I looked over his features slowly.

His hair was so shiny from the grease and his chiseled jaw line looked so perfect.

I think I wanna try something...

Daddy's eyes looked into mine and his eyes sparkled as he smiled softly. "You're so beautiful

princess...I love you so much." I blushed....

Here it goes..

I closed my eyes and slowly leaned in connecting my lips with his. They were soft but fit together

perfectly with mine. I felt daddy's hand snake around my back pulling me closer. His tongue darted into

my mouth and tangled with mine.

I whimpered when I felt a tingly sensation in my princes parts.

Daddy pulled away leaving both of us out of breath. "Princess wait....I don't think-" I shook my head

immediately cutting him off. "Daddy I-I think I'm ready..." His eyes widened as he gently pushed my

body off of his. "Honey...don't you wanna wait a little longer?"

I sighed, "I trust you daddy... I'm ready."

Daddy reconnected his lips to mine and gently ran his fingers down the small of my back. I sighed

feeling slight dampness in my underwear. I felt daddy's arm go under my legs as he lifted me up bridal


He slowly made his way up the stairs never breaking away from the kiss. We entered his bedroom and

he softly placed me on the bed.

I low moaned escaped my mouth as his lips slowly made its way down my neck. His continued to kiss

me and nibble at small sections of my skin. I couldn't control the moans that were escaping my mouth.

"Mmm daddy..." I moaned as he trailed his kisses down to my stomach. His hands moved down to my

top and slowly pulled it above my head.

He threw it to the floor...

I watched as his eyes darkened and raked over my chest. I didn't have on a bra so my boobs were in

full view.

Daddy connected his warm mouth with my hard erect nipples. I threw my head back and tingles went

up my spine. My hands tangled into his hair as he sucked harder. "Ahh....please daddy..." I moaned. I

wanted more..My princess parts were literally throbbing, begging to be touched. I never felt this way

before...I didn't want it to end.

Daddy didn't stop kissing my skin as his hands trailed to the back of my skirt. His unzipped the zipper

on the back and pulled it down my legs. He pressed his lips to my thighs and sucked harshly. I

whimpered, moaning loudly. Shots of pleasure shot straight to my princess parts. Daddy ran his hand

along the lining of my underwear and pulled it off me throwing it across the room. I shivered as the cool

air hit my naked body.

Daddy connected his lips with mine and sucked on my lips. "Mmm....." I moaned as I felt his thick

fingers rub against my clit. His finger traced the entrance of my whole and stuck one finger in. I moaned

loudly as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Gosh it felt so good. I whimpered as he slowly

pumped in and out at a steady pace. My toes curled as I felt something build up in my eyes

widened. I have to pee.... I started to panic. "Daddy I need to pee..." He pecked my lips and smiled,

"relax baby. You don't have to just need to cum." What's cum? Before I could ask, daddy's

fingers pumped at a faster pace. "Da-Daaaaa ooohh" my hips bucked as waves of pleasure filled my


Michael's P.O.V.

Mya calmed down from her orgasm and her breathing returned back to normal. I didn't even know she

was a squirter....

I smiled at her as she looked up at me with wide eyes. "" I chuckled and pecked her lips.

"Baby if you're tired we can do this another time." She shook her head and connected her lips to mine.

Well I guess we're gonna keep going... Her fingers fumbled with my shirt buttons as she pulled me

closer to her. I helped her by opening my belt and yanking my pants and boxers down my legs. I broke

the kiss and grabbed a condom from the drawer.

"Daddy what's that?" She asked watching me as I slid the condom into my hard on. "It's a condom

baby. It prevents um....certain things from happening."

She didn't ask any more questions so I took that as my cue to continue. I kissed her lips and looked at

her seriously, "Baby if it gets to be too much just say something, ok?" She nodded.

I spread her legs and placed my length at her entrance...

Mya's P.O.V.

I sucked in a sharp breathe as daddy slid into me. Ouch...

"Mmmm....daddy...wait.." pain rushed through me as I felt something rip.... I just wanted to stop

everything... oh my gosh..

Daddy stopped and lowered his lips to mine. He kissed me hungrily and rubbed his fingers on my

princess parts. I moaned as the pain slowly drifted away. "Daddy...move please.." I whimpered.

He pulled out and inched back in. I moaned as pleasure once again spread through my body. He

thrusted into me at a steady pace...I wanted more.

"Daddy faa-faster.."

Daddy gripped my hips tightly and pounded into me. "Ahhh daddyy!!! Right there....!!" I moaned as my

eyes rolled to the back of my head. I clawed at daddy's back and my toes curled. He continued to

pound roughly into me...gosh I loved it.

I wrapped my legs around his waist which causes him to go deeper. He hit a spot that caused me to

scream. "Ahh daddy....yee-yessss..."

He grunted, "f!ck baby you're so tight..." He pounded deeper into me and I whimpered feeling the pee

sensation again... "ohhh!!!" I screamed as my juices spilled all over daddy's toy...

Daddy's thrusts slowed down as he groaned, "fuuucckkk...." He collapsed beside me and took a deep

breath. He stood an walked to the garbage throwing something away. However, I didn't know what it


He climbed into bed and pulled me into his chest, "I love you baby.." I smiled, feeling my eye lids gets

heavy. "I love you too daddy." I hugged daddy's warm body closer to me as I slowly drifted off to

sleep.... NôvelDrama.Org © content.

A/N: Hey guys...sorry about the change in p.o.v.'s during the 'hot scenes' but I wanted you guys to hear

a little bit from both sides.

Mya and her daddy finally shared a moment of intense intimacy...

Did any of you guys ever go horse back riding or ride in a hot air balloon? Did you enjoy it?

What's your favorite food?

The next chapter will pick up with the next day...

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