A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 8: The Ruthless Mafia

As Marisa stood there, the image of the man who had saved her replayed in her mind. However, the reality of her son’s critical condition began to weigh heavily on her heart, and a deep sadness crept over her. She realized that time was running out, and she needed to find a way to secure the money for her son’s surgery within the next twenty-four hours.

Her thoughts grew increasingly somber, and she couldn’t help muttering to herself, “Where will I get the money for Jeffrey’s surgery in such a short time?” The weight of the situation bore down on her, and her face reflected the profound worry that had consumed her.

In search of a quiet place to gather her thoughts, Marisa decided to head to a nearby amusement park. She walked through the entrance, the sound of children’s laughter echoing in her ears. The park was alive with the joyful energy of kids playing alongside their parents.

As Marisa found a bench and settled onto it, she couldn’t help but watch the children with a mix of emotions. There was happiness in her heart for these kids, their smiles, and the carefree way they played with their parents.

As Marisa sat on the weathered park bench, the passing hours seemed to blur together. The park was a tapestry of life unfolding around her. Children chased each other with boundless energy, their laughter ringing through the air like a sweet melody. Parents watched with bright smiles, occasionally joining in the fun.

Marisa couldn’t help but be drawn into the vibrant scene before her. She felt a bittersweet mixture of emotions as she watched the kids frolic. On one hand, she was genuinely happy to see the kids’ innocent joy, knowing that these moments were what childhood was all about. On the other hand, her heart ached with the stark realization that her own son, Jeffrey, was missing out on this simple pleasure. His health hung in the balance, and he couldn’t run, laugh, or play like these carefree children.

Tears welled up in Marisa’s eyes as she thought about Jeffrey lying in that hospital bed, his young life interrupted by a cruel twist of fate. She wished she could turn back time, protect him from harm, and grant him the chance to experience the joys of childhood like the children in the park.

As the clock ticked away, Marisa’s determination grew stronger. She knew she couldn’t afford to wallow in despair. She had to find a way to secure one million dollars for Jeffrey’s surgery before the twenty-four-hour deadline passed.

With renewed resolve, she began brainstorming. She thought of reaching out to friends and family, but her social circle was limited, and she wasn’t sure if anyone could come up with such a staggering amount of money in such a short time.

Meanwhile, at the city’s fanciest restaurant, something interesting was happening. Alejandro, the man who had bravely rescued Melinda from a speeding truck, was now sitting in a private room. Across from him, his identical twin, Alexander, indulged in a haze of weed smoke, emanating an air of nonchalance.

There were more than a dozen big and intimidating guards standing nearby, dressed in dark suits. They had guns hidden under their suits, just in case something happened.

Sitting at a fancy table filled with untouched food and drinks, the two brothers took charge. One of them, Alexander, broke the silence and asked in Italian, with a smoky exhale, “Alejandro, Chi era quella signora che stavi abbracciando prima del mio arrivo?” (Alejandro, who was that lady you were hugging earlier before I arrived?)

Alejandro, his voice laced with a cold, masculine edge, downed a glass of wine before responding. in Italian, “Alexandro, ti ho detto prima che quella donna non è nessuno e non la stavo abbracciando.” (Alexandro, I told you earlier that that woman is nobody, and I wasn’t hugging her.)

Alexander persisted, teasing, “Allora perché eri in una posizione così romantica con lei quando sono arrivato? (Then why were you in such a romantic position with her when I arrived?)”

“Don’t ask me stupid questions, Alexandro. Let’s focus on why we came here,” Alejandro retorted in English.

“Speaking of why we came here, Bruno, where is that damn manager of this restaurant? Didn’t you inform him of our arrival?” Alexander directed his frustration at Bruno, the imposing figure behind Alejandro.

Bruno, Alejandro’s trusted right-hand man, responded with a deep, resonant voice, “I informed Delo Sanchez about your arrival ten minutes ago, and he said he would be here in a few minutes.”

Alexander’s anger flared, culminating in a furious fist slamming onto the table, shattering some glass onto the floor. “That bastard thinks we are here to joke! How dare he disrespect us! He should be here by now, so why the fuck isn’t he here? How dare he make us wait like some random motherfuckers?”

“Calm down, Alexandro, and let’s give him just two more minutes,” Alejandro intervened, his demeanor remarkably composed as he took a sip of wine. “If Sanchez doesn’t get here within two minutes, we’ll do things the hard way.”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Alexander scoffed, taking another drag of his weed. “Alejandro, sometimes you make me wonder if you’re really my twin brother. We are fucking Mafias, Alejandro, and we don’t do things the easy way. We should have done things the hard way the moment we got here. We’d have gotten what we came for and gotten the fuck out of this place.”

“I’m the boss here, Alexandro…”

“I’m also the boss, Alejandro!” Alexander interjected forcefully. “I have the right to make decisions during missions.”

The room fell into an uneasy silence, punctuated only by the tension between the twin brothers as they glared at each other.

“Alright then,” Alejandro’s voice was firm, “Sanchez had his chance.” He exchanged a grave look with his twin brother, who responded with a sinister grin.

“Bruno,” Alejandro instructed his trusted aide, “when two minutes are up, inform me.”

Bruno, the formidable figure, acknowledged with a nod and fixed his unwavering gaze on his Rolex wristwatch. Time ticked away, and as the two-minute mark approached, he finally spoke, “Boss, it’s already two minutes.”

Alexandro’s face transformed, his grin revealing a dangerous edge. With a contemptuous flick, he extinguished his cigarette on the floor, crushing it beneath his boot. Rising from his seat, he drew a sleek firearm concealed beneath his crimson suit.

In perfect synchronization, Alejandro too stood, revealing a deadly pistol hidden beneath his own black attire. Simultaneously, the other men who had surrounded the brothers followed suit, drawing their weapons.

With their pistols ready and their entourage of formidable men in tow, Alejandro and Alexandro moved with a menacing grace, their strides confident as they exited the private chamber. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they made their way through the restaurant, a shadowy procession following them closely.

As they walked down the silent corridor of the big restaurant, their presence had a profound effect. A waitress, coming from the opposite direction, nearly stumbled as she caught sight of the brothers and their armed escort. She gasped, her face draining of color, her heart racing at the ominous sight.

Alexandro, his grin never faltering, leaned in towards the trembling waitress, his voice dripping with authority and menace. “Take us to the manager’s office,” he demanded.

The waitress quivered, her voice barely audible as she stammered, “Y-yes, right away, sirs.”

Shaking with fear, she led the way, her every step hesitant. Her pulse raced, her breaths shallow, as she moved through the restaurant’s plush corridors. The mere presence of these Mafiosi seemed to warp reality, transforming the once-elegant surroundings into a dark and foreboding place.

Finally, they arrived at the manager’s office door. Alejandro grinned at the waitress who was shaking in fear, and he pointed his gun at her.

“Thanks for bringing us here, but this is where your journey ends.” He said, and pulled the trigger without thinking twice.

A loud gunshot echoed throughout the place as a bullet flew into the skull of the innocent waitress and she fell on the floor with a loud thud.

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