**MARIANNA**Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“All of these happened some minutes ago and I was not informed about it? Someone should have sent for me and I would have come and reshape his ugly face.” Julia said lividly after Vanessa and I finished narrating what had happened to them.

“He’s not ugly Julia, he’s actually very handsome. It is his behavior that is very bad.” Vanessa pointed out.

“That is not the point Vee. The point is that I would have reconstructed his face with my fist and make him ugly.” Julia stated seriously and the rest of us bursted into laughter.

“Why are y’all laughing? Do you guys think I’m joking?” She asked with yet another serious face and that just intensified our laughter. The reason behind our laughter is that we all know that Julia cannot kill an ant not to talk of reconstructing someone’s face with punches.

“You guys should stop laughing. You’re all making fun of me.” Julia moaned and the laughter died down.

“You need to stop bluffing Julia. We know that you can’t hurt a fly not to talk of reshaping someone’s face.” Damien scoffed.

“How do you know that? I can start with your face, you know? I’ve been learning karate secretly for some months now and I have always wanted to practice it on someone. I can practice it on you and Anthony right now.” Julia said pointing at Damien and Anthony and they both raised their hands as a sign of surrender.

“Nah I’m good. You can try it on Damien tho, he’s got a pretty good face.” Anthony stated.

“Don’t listen to him Julia. You can practice it on him. His face is far better than mine.” Damien uttered and I chuckled.

“That’s enough guys. Nobody is practicing karate or Kung Fu or whatever on anybody.” I spoke up and sighs of relief escaped the guys’ mouths.

“Can you imagine? Two boys that are taller than me are afraid of a little girl like me. I can’t believe the two of you fell for my petty lie and are even scared.” Julia laughed crazily and the guys stared at her with their mouths wide open.

“So you mean you were just joking?” Anthony aske and glared at Julia.

“Yup and you guys fell for it.” She laughed again.

“I can’t accept this. I just got fooled my a short girl.” Damien said and advanced towards Julia, probably to smack her but Katherine stopped him.

“You guys should stop. We came to listen to what happened between Vanessa, Marianna and that guy and now the three of you want to start your own too. I can’t stop any fight right now. If you want to start fighting, let me eat first so that I’ll have the strength to stop the fight.” Katherine who had been quiet all this while ranted and we all looked at her.

“Now that you mention it, I’m feeling hungry too.” Vanessa also uttered.

“Yeah, me too.” Anthony also said.

“What time is the lunch break?” Vanessa asked.

“Let me check the timetable.” I replied and was about to open my locker when the bell for lunch break rang and some students that were lingering in the hallway started walking towards a direction which I guessed the school cafeteria was located. Students who were having classes started trooping out of the classrooms.

“Guess it is time for lunch.” Damien said.

“Yeah. Who knows where the cafeteria is?” Katherine questioned but none of us seemed to know where it was located.

“Let’s follow those group of students.” I said pointing at some sets of students. “Maybe they’re going to the cafeteria.” And we followed behind the students.

It turned out that the students were going to the cafeteria and we entered as if we had known the place before. The cafeteria was really big and beautiful. The whole place looked like a restaurant on its own. There were lots of students in the cafeteria, sitting in groups at different tables. Some were focused on eating their foods and some were chatting and eating at the same time.

Lots of students were staring and pointing at us and they were saying things like:

“Look at those two girls in the front. They were quarreling with Tyler some minutes ago.” One said to her friend.

“Really? How dare they? They just came today and they’re already fighting with the prince of the school. Who do they think they are?” The friend scoffed angrily.

Different ride remarks were being thrown out way and I was beginning to get angry. I opened my mouth and was about to give them a piece of my mind but Vanessa clamped her hand over my mouth.

“Swallow what you wanna say Marie. Remember Principal Jane’s words.” She said to me and I calmed down.

“I’m calm now. Take your hand off my mouth.” I said but it came out muffled because of her hand so I licked her hand and she took her hand off immediately and she glared at me while I smiled at her sweetly.

“Eww, gross! Couldn’t you tap my hand or something? Why did you have to lick my hand?” She questioned and wiped her hand on my jacket.

“I just felt like.” I shrugged nonchalantly and she scoffed.

“Guys, are we going to look for a table or not because hunger is killing me here.” Katherine uttered with a frown.

“Oh yeah! Let’s search for a table.” I said and we walked further into the cafeteria.

“Wait guys, shouldn’t we get our foods before finding somewhere to sit?” Julia asked thoughtfully.

“Right, seems like it had skipped our minds.” Vanessa chuckled.

“Let’s go to the counter then.” Katherine groaned and walked ahead of us and we followed behind her. We got to the counter and we picked up our trays. We got our lunch and eye-searched for a vacant table. I was still looking for one when I heard someone shout my name.

“Marianna!” I looked towards the direction of where the shout came from and it turned out to be Aiden yelling my name.

He beckoned me to come over and I called my friends and we went over to the table. Aiden and three other people were sitting at the table and there were still six empty chairs so I and my friends each took a seat.

“Hey Aiden.” I greeted cheerfully.

“Hey Marianna. Who are your friends?” He asked looking at my friends.

“Hmm, these are Julia, Damien, Katherine, Anthony and Vanessa. Guys, this is Aiden.” I introduced them to each other and they exchanged pleasantries

“Won’t you introduce us, Aiden?” The only girl out of the people that were sitting with Aiden nudged him with her elbow and he groaned.

“I was about to.” He gritted out and cleared his throat.

“Guys, these are my friends Liam, Lucas and Juliet.” He glared at the girl while mentioning the last name and she smiled sweetly.

“Nice to meet you guys.” The three of them said simultaneously and we began eating a few seconds later.

“So Marianna, I heard what happened between you and Tyler. Did you know him from somewhere?” Aiden asked after a few minutes of eating in silence.

“I knew him from my workplace but I can assure you that it was not a pleasant experience and I got to know that he is a cocky asshole.” I stated.

“He is cocky alright. But I don’t know why girls don’t notice his cockiness all because of his wealth and physical appearance.” Aiden said.

“Not all girls will fall for his physical appearance. To me, of a boy has a bad behavior, he would be ugly to me no matter how handsome he looks.” Julia uttered.

“Exactly! Finally, someone who thinks the same way I do!” I exclaimed and we bumped our fists

“I like you girl. I feel like we would be very good friends.” She said smilingly.

“Same here.” I responded with a smile and the boys groaned loudly.

“Why are y’all groaning?” Juliet questioned.

“Girls and their way of making friends.” Damien grunted and the boys chuckled.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

“Guys, Delilah and her crew are coming towards our table.” Juliet whispered and we looked at her.

“Who? Is it Delilah that betrayed Samson in the Bible?” Vanessa questioned dumbly and we bursted into laughter.

“No, it’s not that Delilah but this one is almost like the one in the Bible. Look , she’s here already.” Juliet said and focused on something or someone behind me.

“What have we done to deserve a visit from the queen of hell?” Juliet uttered sarcastically.

“I am not here for you, bitch. I came for this slut seated here.” A voice that I assumed belongs to the so called Delilah stated and yanked my hair.

“Hey! Who’s the fool that just yanked my hair?!” I questioned angrily and looked behind me to see three girls. From the way they were standing, you would know that the one standing in the middle is Delilah.

“Are you calling me a fool?” She asked furiously but calmed down. “If it isn’t because I am in a good mood today, I would have slapped you but I’m Ina very happy mood.” She said with a smile but I could tell that it was faux.

“Anyways, I didn’t come here to fight with you or anything, I just came here to give you a simple warning. I don’t care if you know Tyler from somewhere or if he is the one that offended you on the first place but the next time I hear that you exchange words with him or you insult him, I will deal with you mercilessly that day and you will regret ever knowing someone like me and Tyler. Have a bad day people. Let’s go girls.” She said and turned around to leave with her friends or should I say sidekicks but she didn’t leave without glaring at me dangerously.

“What just happened? And who the hell was that bitch?” I questioned wide-eyed.

“That was Delilah Kingston and she is the queen bee of Royal Gate High.” Liam answered.

“Ohhh. Why was she threatening me? I don’t remember crossing paths with her. Is she related to Tyler?” I asked.

“I don’t know why she’s threatening you but it must be because of what happened between you and Tyler and she is related to him in some way.” Lucas answered.

“Is she is bodyguard or something?” Katherine asked.

“Nope, she is his girlfriend.” Lucas replied.

“Oh, that explains it.” I bobbed my head.

“Yeah. You seem to have joined her list of people to be dealt with, Marianna. You better watch your back and avoid crossing paths with neither her nor Tyler and Delilah is very mean. There’s no telling what she can do to you.” Liam stated and I smiled at him.

“Thanks Liam. I’ll try to be careful but I’m not scared of her. If she says that she’s gonna deal with me, I’m also going to show her that I’m not someone to be messed with.” I said confidently.

“Yeah baby! That’s our girl!” Katherine, Vanessa and Julia said simultaneously and I smiled.

“I’m glad that you’re not afraid of her Marianna. If Delilah brings it hot we’re gonna give it to her hotter. We are with you on this one.” Juliet stated.

“Thanks babe.” I said.

“Alright guys. Let’s eat our lunch before lunch break is over.” Aiden said loudly and we continued eating our lunch in total silence.


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