A Love Trap

Chapter 831 I Hate You

Chapter 831 I Hate You


Harvey was the other son of Aaron and Rae, Lesley's younger brother.

Harvey walked over to Lesley and declared in a rude tone, "I can go anywhere I want in this house."

He then turned around and left, his voice was full of arrogance.

Although Harvey was Lesley's brother, the deep seeded resentment bordering on hate that she had for him was indescribable.

Ever since Lesley's parents gave birth to Harvey, he was always handled with kid gloves as if he were a porcelain doll that could break any time. They worshiped the ground he walked on like a national treasure. Harvey, up to now, didn't know how to do anything for himself because his parents' hired servants to take care of his every need including eating and dressing up.

He had no idea how to take care of himself. He couldn't even do simple tasks like tying his shoe laces, because he always had an entourage of servants at his beck and call, who did everything for him.

Now that he was going to kindergarten, he had no idea how to relate with other children his age. He therefore acted like a little lord, bullying, beating and harassing other kids every other day.

It was a regular occurrence for Harvey to beat other kids without any reason.

If anyone didn't obey his often absurd demands, he would fall into a sudden bout of anger and beat them in blind rage.

He thought that the world revolved around him and everything was always about what he wanted.

It was obvious that Aaron and Rae had spoiled him rotten with too much love and very little discipline.

Besides, whenever the other kids' parents came to complain about Harvey's behavior, they always took his side and indicated that there was nothing wrong with their son's actions.

They didn't even feel the need to apologize, as their son was their little angel.

What could other parents do?

As a domineering and powerful family, other parents had no means of recourse, but to tolerate their little devil of a son's behavior, because no one wanted to be on the receiving end of his parent's wrath.

When it got too serious, some parents opted to move their children to other schools in order to stay away from Harvey. Basically, running away with their tails between their legs was their best option.

Otherwise, no one wanted to find out what would happen to their kids if they spent more time under Harvey's oppressive thumb.

Harvey's arrogance and petulant behavior was not limited to school. He was just as bad at home.

"Harvey? Lesley, have you seen Harvey? Is he here?"

Rae and Aaron came in shortly after Harvey left the room.

Lesley stood up and as she walked towards her parents and said, "Yes he is here. But we must make sure that nothing goes wrong at the wedding today. If he dares to mess around at the wedding, don't blame me if I do something to him that he'll regret!"

Rae was very displeased with her assertions. She looked at Lesley with a disgruntled and accusatory expression and exclaimed, "How could you say that? Harvey is your younger brother. What's the worst that he can do to ruin your wedding?"

Aaron also interposed, "Yeah. Lesley, don't you think that you are too resentful against your brother?

We have raised you up just the same way as your brother. So what makes you better than him?"

Lesley pivoted and looked at her parents with incredulity written all over her face and said nothing.

Although Aaron and Rae had spoiled her very much when she was young, their treatment of Harvey was at a different level of spoiling.

Their special treatment of him made it obvious that their parents preferred boys over girls and would bend over backwards to accommodate every illogical request the boy made.

"Okay, let's stop arguing over nonsense, my wedding is about to start. Everybody, look sharp!"

Lesley ordered, snapping her fingers as she prepared to leave the room.

Aaron and Rae both stood up, "Lesley, have you really made up your mind to marry that foreigner? Haven't you always loved Andrew?"

Lesley replied with indignation, "I don't love him anymore, and by the way, please don't call him 'foreigner', he has a name. His name is Greg."

Then she turned and took short quick steps out of the room in her high heels.

Her parents' train of thought represented what most people would think at the wedding.

It was no secret that Lesley had deeply loved Andrew

It was therefore a mystery how she had suddenly gotten over her feelings and decided to marry a foreigner.

Watching the crowd move towards the center, Ashley put down the bags she was holding in her hands and asked, "Is the wedding about to begin? Let's go and have a look."

Andrew looked at the crowd and frowned. He didn't like such crowded spaces but there wasn't much he could do about it. Ashley had decided to go in.

Inside the hall, Lesley was standing at the pulpit facing a man who had foreign features. Beside the couple was an entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

The priest who was about to have them say their vows stood between the couple.

"Greg, do take the Lesley as your legally wedded wife, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death parts you?"

"Yes, I am."

The groom responded in poor mandarin with a strong foreign accent.

The man standing opposite Lesley was much taller than her and made Lesley look like a timid little woman standing beside a giant.

"As for the bride, Lesley, do you take Greg, standing beside you, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death parts you?"

Lesley raised her head and smiled as she looked at Greg, "Yes, I do."

Once they were done with the vows, they exchanged their rings which sparkled brightly, indicating that they were, by no means cheap.

After they put the rings on, the priest concluded the ceremony, "Well, by the power vested in me, I declare you, husband and wife, now joined as one in holy matrimony. The groom may now kiss the bride!"

Greg looked at Lesley, all the love he felt for her reflected in his eyes as he drew closer to her and slowly planted a passionate kiss on her lips. Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

People cheered and hooted, teasing for more.

Somehow, those who had unsuccessfully pursued Lesley looked as if they had swallowed a rat. They felt as if that door had just been forever shut in their faces.

They were okay with losing Lesley to Andrew, but it never occurred to them that a foreigner would one day sweep her off her feet and right under their noses.

But there was one person in the crowd who was more surprised and confused than others.

Angelina had never expected that things would turn out, the way they just did.

Where did she go wrong?

Angelina had supplied Lesley with every single information she could find that was related to Ashley.

Her plan was to make sure that Lesley gave Ashley a hard time, because they were rivals over Andrew but now, her plan had obviously fallen through.

What had happened to Lesley? Why would Lesley decide to get married to someone else? And to make matters worse it was someone she was not familiar with.

Angelina felt as if her head was spinning trying to figure out everything.

Recently, the Li Family had become more and more unscrupulous and shameless!

They would ask for money every now and then and every time, the amount just kept increasing!

They had become so abrasive that they no longer cared about appearances, it didn't matter the occasion or time of day, they asked for money anytime they wanted.

Angelina hated the Li Family to her core!

She couldn't understand why things turned out the way they did.

Lesley's marriage invitation had been posted on the Internet long ago.

Francis and Jeremy didn't like her but they had to show some semblance of respect.

Jeremy who was standing next to Angelina noticed her odd behavior and her pale face.

"What's wrong? Angelina are you okay? Are you coming down with something?"

Jeremy looked at Angelina whose forehead was dotted with beads of sweat.

Hearing Jeremy's voice, Angelina came to her senses.

She patted Jeremy's hand and said, "Brother, I'm fine. I just need to use the bathroom."


Jeremy was too worried about Angelina to pay much attention to her flimsy excuse.

Furthermore, Angelina was his sister, so her care free announcement about the use of the bathroom was not a big deal.

However, some people wouldn't be so comfortable with such open discussion of personal information.

Jeremy looked at her still in deep thought until Angelina's back disappeared from view.

Only then did he notice that she left her cell phone on the table. He chuckled quietly because he couldn't believe that even as an adult she was still so careless.

However, Jeremy just looked away and did not touch her cell phone.

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