A Girl in My Life


**Three hundred and sixty-five thousand days later, or one year in the time of the angels**

408… 409… 410…- ANAEL? – I stop counting my abs as I hear Suriel’s voice calling me.

– Here coach! – I call his attention to indicate my location and then return to my activity.

– Why are you still here Anael? – by the rude tone he used with me, I already know that Suriel is annoyed with me. Again. I sigh loudly, tiredness is present on my countenance.

I wasn’t supposed to be here at CAAG (Academic Center of the Guardian Angels), I was supposed to be at the portal of paradise, together with the other guardian angels, going to accomplish a primordial task for my class.

– I don’t think that observing humans is more important than training to defend them – I say the usual excuse, it had a good effect.

But, unlike the other times, the only response I get from Suriel is his silence and his disapproving look towards my attitude. I know he knows that I am avoiding to the maximum to see the most precious work of the Lord again, and this is annoying him a lot, but he cannot accuse me without proofs.

– Come, Anael – he calls me, already turning his back and stretching his wings to fly.

Watching humans is part of the guardian angels’ training, but the first time I went to do that, for me, was traumatizing!

So much violence… So much abandonment… So much hunger… So much disregard of a fellow human being for another… How could that be the most precious work of the Lord? But they looked like the black-winged angels, they only want to get along, and they go over anyone’s head to get it.

My first observation in the world of men, made me lose total curiosity or interest in knowing more about this creation, they seemed to me more like a mistake than a masterpiece…. Sigh of disgust…

I saw something that hurt my soul, to feel such a mix of bad feelings… As soon as I came back I had to go to the lord’s palace to confess and ask for his help so that these feelings would not take possession of my heart, the traumatic scene I saw was: a human beating a human because she was pregnant, I wanted to stop it, the knowledge that was passed to me was that man had been created to defend and take care of his wife, and his wife to take care and assist the man, giving him also a family, so that they would grow their species even more, but the kicks and kicks that this human gave her was so brutal that caused so the poor baby to die, a soul without evil, watching this made my bile rise causing burning in my throat, after vomiting I asked myself – ” Why are humans so evil? ”

After that, for a year now, I avoid at all cost the part of the training that involves observing humans. I tried to talk to Suriel about it and his words were:

– Unfortunately many millennia ago, the human world plummeted into complete disgrace, the wickedness of disobedience fell into their hearts, and what was once good and perfect, became evil and suffering.

– Then, for what reason do we have to protect these humans? – I asked with disdain in my voice.

– The love of our Lord is infinite, and although most do not attain salvation, there are still good human beings who are worth risking our lives to protect them from the fallen angels.

– But what I saw yesterday

– Anael, in the sinful world of men, that was normal, and you will still see many unjust things that will break their hearts, but you must not stop feeling love for them, after all, you created us with this purpose, to protect the human race! – after this conversation he returned to his duties as a trainer.

I, on the other hand, as soon as I heard those words “you will still see many things” I felt repulsed by human beings, I never want to see any of them again!

Here it is so different… Paradise is a place so calm and good to live… Here we do not need to fight for a fruit as food, here we do not need to attack ourselves for something that did not turn out as we wanted, here we do not need to feel all the pain that just looking at the earth makes my wings hurt and want to fly as far as possible from there.

Here we don’t need to treat the other for being different, after all, here we are all equal, here there is no difference between angel and angel, for the Lord we are all equal, without privileges of children, he loves us.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Once Suriel explained to me how human reproduction worked, and said that this is possible because the Lord gave men an organ known by humans as “penis”, and that below the penis there are two testicles, a kind of pouch where humans store spermatozoa. And for humans, it gave a set of organs which begin with the “vagina”, a channel through which the male sperm passes to meet the ovary, which is waiting for the spermatozoid in the human’s fallopian tubes. Through the penetration of the human’s “penis” organ into the human’s “vagina” organ and the release of the sperm inside the human’s organ one can make another human being, thus further multiplying their species.

Angels also have these organs, but there has never been a union of two angels to generate another angel, I asked Suriel why and he said that we were not made to procreate, and that each angel is created solely by the Lord and only him, the feeling of mating is not part of the life of angels. That answer was enough, attraction is not something created for angels and that’s it. I accept that.

– Where are we going? – I ask, flying beside Suriel.

– You will soon find out – she says at last without further explanation.

We fly in silence to the portal of entry and exit of paradise. This portal is guarded by four angels:

Luiel, Ariel, Gaiel and Zaiel. They have white wings with golden tips. They take turns in twos. No one leaves paradise or enters without passing through them.

I said,” I said, looking up at him, “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I’m sure it’s a good idea if it’s a good idea,” I said, “but I’m sure it’s a good idea if it’s a good idea, because it’s a good idea if it’s a good idea, because it’s a good idea,” I said.

I frown, after all why are we here?

Will Suriel force me to observe all the disgrace of being part of the world of men again?

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