A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

” Just calm down, alright? Shane would find a way ” Mirah assured Layla but she let out a sigh.

” I don’t know what to think anymore.. she’s back now, this was exactly what I was trying to avoid and now it has happened. To worsen it, she caught us kissing. She caught me kissing her husband in his office and.. she had a hurt look on, she was shocked ” Layla said restlessly.

” Come on, just calm down first. Calm your nerves down. Just contact Shane and ask him what his decision would be. If he would find a way to settle all these or you actually have to step down for Brielle? Just ask first ” Mirah said and she nodded.

” I will ask him later at work tomorrow, I should calm my nerves down first ” She muttered and headed straight into their room.

Mirah sighed as she also got up from her seat and followed Layla.

*** Next Morning ***

* Shane’s Apartment *

” You’re going to work? ” Alec asked after Shane as they both descended the stairs.

” I guess ” Shane muttered, by now they were finally off the stairs. They suddenly stopped on their tracks as they saw Brielle sleeping uncomfortably on the couch.

” She slept here? ” Alec asked in a whisper. He was suprised. ” I guess ” Shane replied, his eyes still on her. Seems he was also suprised.

He walked over to her and to Alec’s suprise, he lifted her off the couch and began heading towards the stairs.

” Shane, what are you doing? ” Alec asked but he gave no response as he ascended the stairs with Shane in his hands.

Shane carried her to the guest room and laid her properly, he covered her with the duvet and was about leaving when Brielle pulled him to her and crashed her lips on his.

He was taken aback as he suddenly did nothing while Brielle ravished his lips. He snapped out of his thoughts and pulled away immediately. Brielle sat up, a little bit suprised. ” Shane.. ” She called hurtfully. Her husband wouldn’t kiss her.

” Don’t do that again ” Was all Shane before walking out of the room. Brielle bowed her head hurtfully as she shed tears in regret.

Shane walked downstairs and was met with Alec who looked at him suspiciously. ” What? ” Shane asked with a raised brow.

” Your lips.. ” Alec trailed off. Shane coughed in pretence as he walked over to the kitchen without saying a word.

*** Kent’s Enterprise ***

” Morning ” Layla greeted Tina as she entered into their office. ” Morning ” Tina greeted grumpily and Layla knew something was wrong.

She walked over to her. ” Are you okay? ” Layla asked worriedly. ” I guess ” Tina replied with a shrug. ” Is it something you can’t share with me? ” Layla asked, staring at Tina worriedly.

” Not that. Alright.. it’s Claus.. I think he cheated on me ” Tina said and Layla raised her brows in suprise. ” Come on.. I don’t think Claus can do that, he’s a cool, nice and gentle guy. I don’t really think he can cheat on you ” Layla defended.

” But, I saw them kissing ” Tina said with a groan. ” Come on.. did you ask him about it? ”

” Yeah, maybe not. I didn’t give him the chance to explain ” She said with a pout and Layla chuckled.

” You should let him explain, I’m really sure it’s probably a misunderstanding ” Layla said and Tina nodded. ” Yeah, but he’s mad at me ” She muttered sadly and Layla raised her brows.

” Why? ”

” He’s angry that I didn’t believe him. He said I was supposed to trust that he wouldn’t do such ” Tina replied and Layla nodded thoughtfully.

” Yeah, he’s right. You’re at fault, you were supposed to trust him ” She said and Tina nodded.

” Yeah I know, I was.. I was just confused ” She muttered and Layla smiled lightly.” Alright, I will talk to him for you, okay? ” She said and Tina’s mood brightened.

” Really? ” She asked to be sure and Layla nodded. ” Thanks ” She muttered, pulling Layla into a hug and Layla smiled in return.

*** Shane’s Office ***

” Brielle, what are you doing here? ” Shane asked gently, he was sitted on his seat while Brielle was sitted on the other seat, opposite him.

” I came to see my husband at his office, is there a thing wrong with that? ” Brielle asked and Shane sighed. He had a lot to tell her but he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings now.

” I’m busy, can you leave now? ” He asked politely. Brielle sighed hurtfully. ” You don’t love me anymore, do you? ” She asked but Shane only looked away. ” You should go get some sleep at home ” Was all he said.

” Why didn’t you kiss me back when I kissed you in the morning? ” Brielle asked and it was at that moment, Layla pushed the door opened.

The files she was holding dropped from her hands unconsciously as she processed Brielle’s words. ” She kissed him? ” She thought hurtfully.

She packed the files hurriedly and looked up the stares on her. ” I’m sorry ” She bowed lightly. ” I will come back later ” She mumbled and turned to leave.

” Stop! ” Brielle’s voice made her stop on her tracks. ” What? Is she trying to question me about yesterday? ” Layla asked, obviously shivering on her spot.

” You can drop the files and leave ” Brielle said and Layla turned. ” Oh, okay ” She stuttered and rushed over to Shane’s table, she dropped the files and turned to leave but Brielle stopped her again.

” Have I seen you here before? ” Brielle asked. ” She doesn’t recognize me? ” Layla muttered in suprise.

” I guess not. I’m new here ” She said and Brielle nodded. ” You can leave then ” Brielle said and Layla walked out of the office.

Shane unconsciously released the breath he had been holding as Layla walked out. He was also suprised that Brielle didn’t recognize Layla.

” Hey, are you lost? ” Brielle snapped him out of his thoughts. ” I’m fine ” He muttered and Brielle nodded not bothering to say anymore word.


Layla couldn’t stop thinking about what she heard and at the same time was hurt. ” Did Brielle really kiss Shane? ” She asked herself.

Shane didn’t even say a word to her when she had gone to his office. Didn’t he promise her that he would stand up against Brielle for her? Is he going against his words now? He made her fall in love with him after promising her that everything would be fine, but seems he’s going against his promises. That was indeed saddening. She couldn’t think right as she kept sighing every minute.


” I’m not mad at her. I just can’t believe she couldn’t trust that I couldn’t do that ” Claus muttered to Layla. They were both seated in Layla and Tina’s joint office. Tina had gone on a business meeting with Shane. Claus was opted out of the meeting for special reasons.

” She was only confused ” Layla muttered and he nodded. He turned to her with a smile. ” She asked you to plead with me? ” He asked and she nodded.

He let out a chuckle. ” She’s so adorable ” He muttered and Layla couldn’t help the chuckle that let out of her mouth. ” Yeah she is ” She also muttered.

” So? What’s going on between you and boss now? ” He asked, looking at her and Layla let out a sigh. ” Nothing much to be precise. We haven’t really gotten a chance to talk properly ” She muttered and Claus nodded.

” So, are you worried about Brielle’s arrival? ” Claus asked.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

” Yeah I guess. Maybe I really am. I just have this feeling I and Brielle would be broken apart ” She muttered sadly.

” I’m as confused as you are. I really don’t know what the future holds in hands for you two. But I hope everything would be fine ” He said and Layla nodded. ” I hope so too ” She muttered.

** Shane’s Office **

Brielle let out a smile as she stared at her husband’s cute sleeping position. She had refused to leave for home and stayed with him all day. He fell asleep after working tiredly. Her heart raced rapidly as she stared at his handsome face. ” He’s so cute and handsome ” She muttered dreamily.

If she had lost this man, she wouldn’t have known what would be left of her. He’s such a gentle, nice, caring and handsome guy any girl would wish for and she’s glad this man is hers. He’s her husband.

Her gaze landed on his lips and she licked her lips seductively. Without thinking twice, she stood up and walked over to him. He was actually sleeping on the chair, his head was leaned backwards in an uncomfortable position.

Brielle leaned closer to his face and places her lips on his. She sucked his lips deeply in his sleeping position with her eyes closed. The door suddenly pushed open and Shane’s eyes flashed open.


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