A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

They got inside after putting on a cap, they were trying not to attract people. They walked in and headed straight to the counter where some of the servers were.

” Welcome sires ” They greeted with a short bow. The guys returned their greetings with a wave of their hands. ” Um, is Layla around? ” Shane was the first to ask. The two servers passed themselves glances but the two cared less.

” No sir. She was only available in the morning ” One of them replied and Shane nodded. ” When would she be available then? ” Shane asked again. ” Um, I think you should please see Mr Cyrus for that. He actually decides when the two would come to work since they’re a part timer ” The guy replied politely.

” Alright then. Thanks ” Shane thanked and they nodded. They made their way deeper to Mr Cyrus office.

They got there and with a little knock, they pushed the door open. The middle aged man who was working on his laptop look up to the two guests before him. His lips widened to a smile immediately. ” Oh my!, Welcome sires ” He gushed, standing up in a swift.

The two returned the smile as they moved over to him. ” Here. Have your seat ” He offered, pointing at the two seats in front of him. ” Thanks ” Alec muttered, sitting down.

” I’m glad you two agreed to visit this place again. Thanks so much, I appreciate it ” Mr Cyrus thanked seriously. ” No qualms. You’re welcome ” Shane replied with a smile.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

” So we heard that server isn’t around again? ” Alec asked rhetorically.

” Yes sire. She came for the morning shift ” He replied and the duo nodded.

” Since you give her shifts, when would she be available? ” Shane asked. ” Anytime sir ” He responded quickly. The duo raised their brows. ” Anytime?, Doesn’t she work part time? ” Alec asked and Mr Cyrus let out a nervous laugh.

” Of course she does, but I give her the shifts. I could make her available anytime you want to come around ” He responded and Shane nodded thoughtfully.

” Alright then…. tomorrow evening. We would be here ” Shane said and Mr Cyrus smile widened, but in between that smile is a very excited look.

” Alright then. We really can’t wait to have you two here tomorrow. So would you like a cup of coffee before you leave? ” Mr Cyrus asked hopefully.

” Not really, we only decided to branch by ” Alec replied instead and Mr Cyrus face fell a little but he covered it up with a smile again.

” Alright then. We shall see tomorrow ” Mr Cyrus said, standing up and they did the same.

” We hope to see her here tomorrow ” Shane reminded. ” Of course trust me. She would be here ” He replied as they both walked out of his office. ” Alright then ” Alec replied and with that, they walked out of the coffee shop.

The duo got into Shane’s car and he drove off almost immediately while Mr Cyrus watched them as they drove off.

His little smile widened when he suddenly made a rough sketch on his head on how much gain he would be making tomorrow. ” I really need to give that girl more shifts ” He muttered, referring to Layla.

Still in smiles, he made his way back inside the coffee shop.

*** The Girl’s Apartment ***

” Mr Cyrus changed our shifts? ” Mira asked rhetorically. ” Yeah, we are having an afternoon shift tomorrow instead of a morning one. I’m glad at least one doesn’t have to wake up so early in the morning ” Layla replied and Mirah nodded.

” You’re still on the assignments? ” She asked, joining Layla on the couch beside her and Layla nodded.

” Yeah, it’s really exhausting. It’s draining the hell outta me ” She muttered. ” Any calls from Shane? ” Mirah asked further but Layla shook her head.

” I don’t know. My phone’s been off all through ” She replied. ” He could have called tho ” Mirah said.

” I was told he came to visit the coffee shop again, yesterday ” Mirah added. ” Why? ” Layla asked, raising her head up.

” What? I don’t know, Mr Cyrus said he wanted to thank you again ” She replied and Layla raised her brows the more.

” Thank me for what? ”

” See I don’t know. We would know by calling him or probably when he comes around again ” Mirah suggested and Layla nodded. ” Alright then ” Layla replied and returned to her books.

” You’re not calling him? ” Mirah asked in suprise. ” No… why should I? ” Layla replied writing on her books. ” I was just thinking you were going to ask him about it, but anyways ” Mirah muttered. Layla nodded and her stomach suddenly grumbled cutely and Mirah let out a laugh.

” You should drop this pen for once and go find something to eat! ” Mirah scolded.” No, we’re having a test tomorrow. I have to read ” Layla insisted. ” Yeah whatever ” Mirah muttered with a scoff. ” You’re not reading? ” Layla asked and she scoffed again. ” It’s none of your business! ” She shouted as she walked away and Layla chuckled silently.

Her stomach grumbled again and she let out a groan before dropping her pen. She got on her feet and walked straight away into the kitchen.

She dished out her food and carried it to the living room where she sat on one o the couches and began eating.

Her eyes caught her phone and she stretched her hands to where it was, and took it from there.

She switched it on and went back to her food. She suddenly took it when something caught her attention. She had missed a call. ” Shane ” She muttered.

” Should I call him back? ” She muttered.

She decided against it and dropped her phone and continued with her meal.

** Shane’s Apartment **

” She hasn’t called back? ” Alec asked Shane who kept staring at his phone on several intervals. ” Yeah ” He nodded. ” You should calm down. We are seeing her this evening anyways ” He said and Shane let out a short sigh.

” Yeah I know, I’m aware. It’s just that it’s weird, normally she would have called back after seeing that she missed a call from me. But she hasn’t called back, this alone is making me think that I did something wrong ” He muttered to Alec’s hearing. Alec let out a chuckle.

” Why are you so stressed out over this?, It’s just Layla.. Layla. You’re worried because she refused to call you back? ” Alec said in between the laugh.

” Stop! ” Shane said sternly but Alec kept on laughing. ” Come on, it’s funny. Your substitute is making you go crazy ” Alec said again in between the seemingly unending laugh. Shane scoffed annoyingly and carrying his laptop along, he walked away towards the stairs while Alec kept on with the laugh.

” Come on, where are you going? ” Alec asked running after him. ” Alec, stop pestering me ” Shane scolded angrily as they both stepped into his suite.

” I’m not. It’s clearly just the truth and you don’t wanna accept it. You care about her a lot. ” He said looking straight into Shane’s eyes who was seated on one of the couch in the suite.

Shane looked away from his gaze. ” I’m just worried, that’s all ” He said and Alec let out a scoff.

” Worried that a lady refused to call you. Come on, that’s far away from you ” Alec said and Shane looked elsewhere.

” Just admit that you like her ” Alec persisted and Shane let out a sigh. ” Can you stop, it’s giving me unnecessary headache ” Shane muttered, closing his eyes.

” Right. Cause it is the truth ” Alec said again and Shane let out a huff before getting up on his feet. He walked away into his room without saying a word. Alec didn’t bother to say anything either, he only watched as Shane walked away.

*** Mocha’s Coffee Shop ***

” We’re here again ” Mirah muttered tiredly. They were just coming back from their last class today and now, they are having an afternoon shift at the coffee shop. ” Thought you were okay with Mr Cyrus changing her shifts ” Layla asked unbelievably with a scoff.

” Yeah, I was. But now I’m realizing it’s going to be tiring and stressful ” She groaned as they made their way into the restaurant.

Stepping their feet inside, they met with their guests sitting and waiting anxiously for them.

Alec tapped Shane and he raised his head, away from his phone and their eyes met.


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