A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

” Huh? ” Layla asked to be sure she had heard the right thing.

” Let’s go on a date ” He repeated, his eyes not leaving hers.

” Um.. why? ” She found herself asking the most dumbest question ever.

” I meant a play date ” He corrected, looking away from her eyes as he adjusted his clothes.

” I just wanna go out to places, have fun and then clear my head ” He replied, returning his gaze back to her and she nodded thoughtfully.

” Okay,, I’ll go ” She said with a smile which he returned lightly before he looked away.

” Um, how about we just go on a normal outing today, then we can go on a play date tomorrow ” Layla suggested and Shane thought about it for a while before nodding and he earned a bright smile from her.


Shane felt uncomfortable in a way he’d never felt before. Tho he was the one who brought this, it still felt weird to him. He had never done something like this before.

He took another glance at the brown leather bag that danced an inch close to his head, its owner quite reluctant about her possession. He looked around once more at an unfamiliar territory and a glace at Layla who sat beside him and who presently stared outside the window of the bus.

She had optioned the commute by public transport, somehow, he’d imagined she meant a taxi or Uber, not buses or trains.

They were putting on a disguise to cover their faces, tho Layla wasn’t putting on the cover makeup.

A brief smile decorated on Layla’s face as she glanced Shane’s side once. He let out a simple smile to hide his nervousness before looking away.

” Look at this. It looks pretty on me right? ” Her question forces his attention back on her, away from the people around them.

He noticed an antique looking hairpin on her hair and a beaming smile on her face in anticipation of his reply.

” Yes, it’s pretty ” He replied, looking at her and at the same time the hairpin. She let out a smile before looking away.


They were finally off the bus and they branched a market. Shane couldn’t help but get more uncomfortable. He wasn’t in the least bit fancying it here. He hated crowded and noisy places but for some reasons, he just wanted to please her.

” It’s your first time being in a market, right? ” She queried as she looked through other items on display. He watched her then nodded in reply.

” You know what Shane, I bet you’ve never been anywhere except from home and work ” She joked but he didn’t find it funny cause it was obviously the truth. He had never been to any fun places even as a kid, he was restricted to school and home only.

A smile suddenly played on her face. ” Give me your hand ” She ordered wth her hand stretched out for his. He couldn’t help the brief furrow that appeared between his brows.

” Huh? ”

” Give me your hand ” She repeated wearing a smile and he finally gave in.

Taking hold of his hand, she brought forth her other hand and only when she began fixing up what seemed to be a bracelet around his wrist did he realize what this was about. He looked up to meet her face and she flashed him a smile.

” Now, you have something to remind you of the day you stepped out of your daily routine ” Having said that, she looked up to meet his eyes.

For a short while, he saw her in a different light. A bit touched by her gesture that he had to look away to stop himself from staring at her.

She smiled and held his hands taking him by suprise as he stared at their conjoined hands. ” Let’s go ” She said and with that pulled him along as she walked away.

Suddenly, she made a stop in front of a snack stall and watched intensely as the man made the snacks with special care and technique at the front for customers to witness.

Shane stared in awe, he had never witnessed an act like this before. He had always watched magic shows as a kid, but staring at this man as he performed his magic, he was impressed.

In the end, Layla clapped joyously which forced his consciousness back to reality.

” Would you like some? ” She offered as she made her order. Shane slightly shook his head at her request.

” Are you sure? Earlier, you seemed into it, come on you’re going to love it ” She insisted.

” I don’t eat street food ” He mumbled.

” Oh, sorry I forgot ” She said with a short smile and she turned to the seller.

Shane felt somewhat like a bodyguard as he stood around her while she hopped from one stall to the other, checking out and buying anything that suits her taste while he watched in silence.

Suddenly, she stepped in front of a strange looking shop.

” Let’s try this as well ” She said in excitement as she turned to him.

Without waiting for a reply on his part, she ventured into the shop.

Centering his attention to their conversation, he analysed the strange lady in front of them. Her shop was filled with strange decorations. He couldn’t make oit where they had walked into .

” Your husband? ” Her question brought his attention back to them. Layla and Shane exchanged glances.

” Um… my fiance ” She muttered, unsure of what to say.

” He’s handsome. You two look great together ” She complimented and Layla muttered a thanks.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

” So, who wants to go first? ”

” Me ” Layla was quick to reply. Shane watched as she stretched out her right hand and the woman held it open in hers. She stared into her palm intensively that it made him wonder what they were trying to do. He should have paid more attention to their conversation.

” Everything feels okay now… Your dreams are about coming true, you’re indeed living the life you’ve always dreamt to live ” She started and Shane glanced at Layla whose attention was focused on the strange lady, listening attentively to what she was saying.

He returned his gaze back to the lady and she continued.

” Your love life.. ” She started and Shane noticed Layla shifted uncomfortably.

” It’s complicated,, you’re confused ” She said and raised her head to Layla who looked away nervously.

” Um.. you should check mine now ” Shane cleared his throat, diverting their attention to his and Layla withdrew her hands immediately.

Shane stretched forward his palms and the lady held it in hers, staring at it intensely.

” You’re living the best life one could ever dream of,, everything seems perfect,, but… ” She paused sharply and that increased their anxiousness as they stared intensely at her ready for whatever she was about to say.

” Your love life is just like your fiancee’s,, you’re confused.. your love for her is gradually fading without you knowing,, your heart.. it’s beating for someone else.. ”

Shane withdrew his hands immediately and rushed out on them. The lady smiled while Layla stared on in confusion. She jerked out of her thoughts and bowed before rushing out of the lady’s shop.

She met Shane by the entrance and stopped abruptly in his front without saying a word.

Shane cleared his throat before turning to her,, ” We should leave for home now, we can continue tomorrow ” He said, trying to hide his nervousness. The way Layla stared at him was making the situation an awkward one that he had to look away as he suddenly felt shy.

Layla snapped out of her thoughts, ” um, yeah.. we should leave ” She said and with that led the way while Shane followed behind quietly.

They walked in silence to the street and Layla stopped a cab, they both entered the cab and with that the driver drove them home.


They finally arrived at the mansion, and Shane made his way to the stairs almost immediately without saying a word to Layla while she walked over to Mira who stood up from the couch immediately she hears footsteps behind her.

” So, how was it? ” She asked as she noticed the strange look plastered on Layla’s face.

” It was fun ” Was all she said as she landed her butt tiredly on the couch.

” Ok… ay ” Mira stressed, looking at her suspiciously as she made her way to the couch beside her and she sat before facing Layla.

” So, what was wrong with the tensed atmosphere between you and Shane when you both walked in? ” Mira asked and Layla’s brow turned into a furrow.

” Was it that glaring? ” She asked and Mira nodded. She sighed before suddenly shutting her eyes and then flashing them open.

” To be sincere, I’m confused… we were at a seer’s shop and then she said somethings about his love life which I didn’t understand clearly,, but then he suddenly jerked his hands off and rushed out ” She explained.

” I’m really confused,, I don’t understand a thing ” She mumbled under her breath.


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