A Deal With The Billionaire

Emotional Raven


THEME: Emotional Raven



Raven couldn’t fathom the number of toys that were being tossed into the shopping basket. Hope and Ava were going bonkers as they began to bombard Raven with questions about things that Rowan fancied. They must have planned a coup while she was still taking slow strides towards the car. Raven had been taken by surprise when they had taken a different route and had dropped by at the children toy store and started picking whatever they could lay their hands in and according to her list of what her son loves so much.

Raven laughed lightly. “There is really no need for you both to do this, Rowan has enough toys.” She said to them. She has lost count of how many times she is saying these same set of words.

“No grandchild of mine will lack anything. Now that Rowan is in the sick he would need lots of companion.” Hope replied.

Raven’s heart ached at the mention of grandchild. Somehow she wished this wasn’t all just fake. If it was real then Rowan could do with all the love both Hope and Ava intend to share. She couldn’t wait to see the look in his face when they arrive in his ward.



Raven’s instinct had been right. They all clicked at an instant when Hope and Ava saw her son. Both women drooled over how cute Rowan was and that he was all smiles. What amused her the most was her mother and Hope talking like they knew each other before now. As soon as she introduced them to one another they didn’t waste time to start entertaining themselves on childhoods of both of their children.

Ava had found more interest in playing with Rowan. The boy seemed so happy to talk to her too as he relayed all of his school activities to her with excitement bouncing off his eyes.

‘Did you know about this?’ Raven said into the receiver as she had excused herself from the ward to place a call through to Christopher.

Christopher didn’t even bother to ask her what she meant because he had a clear understanding of the matter. He heaved a sigh and Raven could note the exhaustion in him.

‘I tried to warn you about them this morning but you refused to pick up your call. You must have intentionally ignore my calls.’

‘Excuse you, I have got a job that requires me keeping my phone away from me.’ Raven stated clearly.

‘That’s by the way, how has it been with them?’

Raven’s smile widened at the thought of Hope and Ava. ‘It has been really cool. We are at the hospital currently because they insisted on meeting Rowan.’

‘That’s typical of my mom. She and Ava are both obsessed with children. I will hang up now. We will talk when there is need to do so again.’

And with that he hung up without waiting for her to reply. Raven didn’t seem surprised, Christopher would always avoid anything that would make him have more than a ten minutes conversation with her. She decided to ignore his rudeness and went back to the ward Rowan was in.

“You really don’t have to worry about not playing football again honey. You can do a whole lot more than you can imagine. Trust me, I am here for you.” Ava was reassuring Rowan while stroking his hair.

“That’s such a sad thing to happen to such a little child.” Hope lamented to Eva as they sat together staring at Rowan with so much admiration and affection in their eyes.

“Hope, aren’t we going for the shopping anymore?” Raven asked with the Hope that she didn’t sound rude.

She didn’t want it to seem like she was so eager to spend their money and at the same time it would be wrong to not remind them. It would be her fault if they skipped their day plan.

“Oh! I almost forgot about our shopping spree plan!” She gasped. “But that would be next time, Raven. I will like to spend more time with Eva and Rowan. And since you have to be at work most times, I know how lonely it is for poor Eva to be here all by herself all day long. So I would really love to stay back a bit longer.” Hope answered.

“Me too!” Ava blurted with her face beaming with a smile.

Raven’s eyes became bleary almost immediately but she tried not to get overtly emotional. She cleared her throat. “Well… since we can’t go shopping today, I guess I might have to go back to work then.” She said with a silent prayer that they would say yes.

Raven didn’t want to keep lying with a straight face. There is only a limit to how far she can handle all day.

“That’s all right, Raven. We would stay here a bit longer. We can go for the shopping and also pick a nice court wedding dress for you when I return next week.” Hope answered.

Raven almost cried out in relief. She needed to vent to someone and Tiana was her only form of rescue. Kissing each of them goodbye on the cheek, she practically ran out of the hospital and flagged down a taxi to take her to the restaurant.



“You came back earlier than I expected. Oh no… you even waved me goodbye and said see you tomorrow.” Tiana mimicked her friend’s tone. “Don’t tell me your secret is out before it even started!” Tiana said on seeing her friend back in the kitchen.

“Will you please cut me some slacks?” Raven rolled her eyes.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Right here! Urggghhhh!” Tiana raised two of her fingers up to imitate a scissors. “They seem blunt and can’t cut no shit.”

Raven laughed out at the her friend’s silliness as she put on an apron.

“Just tell me what went wrong already! I had to fight myself from calling you for hours!”

Raven sniffed as she turned her back against her friend. “We dined at an Italian restaurant. One conversation led to another and they insisted on meeting my son. They love him already but he wouldn’t even get to be a part of them.” She cried silently.

Tiana wrapped her hands over her from behind. “That’s okay now.” She consoled.

Raven turned to face her. “The wedding isn’t even on a full mode yet and we have began to act like true families. If it keeps up like this, I might not be able to keep up with the lies. I feel guilty facing them.”

Tiana dropped her hands but placed one on her hips. “And what help will that do to you? Isn’t it better they think you both had it rough in the marriage at the end of the six months contract and you all still become friends? Rather than them finding out that you are doing this for money?”

Staying silent for a few seconds, Raven rubbed at her eyes. “I am just all up in my feelings I guess.” She sighed.

Tiana pat her shoulder. “I can’t say I know how you feel but all I can tell you is to not let this weigh you down. It will be fine, Raven. I promise.”

“I knew I could count on you to lighten my mood.” Raven flashed her friend a small smile.

Tiana shrugged nonchalantly. “Isn’t that what I do? Oh Raven McKenna, you must be really lucky to have me in your life.” She blinked her lashes.

“Don’t think too highly of yourself. It doesn’t look good on you.” Raven teased.

“I can smell it.” Tiana sniffed the air.


“Jealousy. You are just jealous that I have a great sense of humor better than you do.” Tiana gloated, pulling her tongue out at her friend.

Raven bursted into laughter. “Why are you so childish?”

“I can’t help it.” She joined in the laughter too. “Now that you are here, please try hard to work your butt off because I just kind off got my nails done.” Tiana blew at an invisible nails.

Raven shot her a glare. “So bossy.” She gritted.

Tiana also gave her an evil grin. “Call me Cinderella’s step mama!” She sang in a gleeful tone.

Raven shook her head. She got down to work easing off her mind with the aromas from the kitchen.

“Feels good to be a chef.” She breathed out.

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